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со всех языков на все языки

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  • 2 the length and breadth of...

    ((through) the length and breadth of...)
    вдоль и поперёк, из края в край, по всей стране [этим. библ. Genesis XIII, 17]

    And this was but one instance, an isolated case... How many others were there, the length and breadth of the State? (Fr. Norris, ‘The Octopus’, book II, ch. II) — И это был лишь единичный пример, отдельный случай... А сколько таких случаев наберется во всем штате, на всем огромном его пространстве!

    These company-owned towns exist in industry the length and breadth of America. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Tragic America’, ch. II) — Такие города, принадлежащие компаниям, разбросаны по всей Америке.

    ‘We are victorious -’ the words echoed the length and breadth of the vast Soviet land. (R. Parker, ‘Conspiracy against Peace’, ‘Foreword’) — "Мы победили!"-неслось из края в край огромной Советской страны.

    His jokes travelled the length and breadth of the fields and made him a welcome visitor in any camp. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 24) — Его остроты передавались из уст в уста, он был очень популярен на приисках, и в любом лагере его принимали как желанного гостя.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the length and breadth of...

  • 3 Bible words and phrases

    •• Библия, наряду с Шекспиром, – самый богатый источник английской идиоматики. Несмотря на обилие изданных, в основном в США, «новых вариантов» перевода Библии (среди них особенно популярны The New American Standard Bible, The Good News Bible и The Living Bible, стиль которых сильно облегчен, близок к разговорному и местами, на мой взгляд, просто ужасен), именно перевод, сделанный по заказу короля Якова I, оказал определяющее влияние на английский язык в Англии и в США. Как пишут авторы изданной журналом Reader’s Digest книги Success With Words, From colonial times until the 20th century, the King James Bible was the only book in many American households. Ниже приводятся некоторые слова и обороты библейского происхождения, часто встречающиеся в живой речи и публицистике на английском языке. Кстати, и у нас в советское время, в условиях атеистического режима, публицистика и даже выступления партийных лидеров не обходились без этой идиоматики (парадоксальным образом сейчас в устах наших лидеров и антикоммунистических публицистов нередки словосочетания, представляющие собой полные и частичные цитаты из Ленина).

    •• Начать, пожалуй, стоит с трех отрывков, известных каждому образованному (и не очень) жителю англоязычных стран. Это The Ten Commandments (Десять заповедей), The Lord’s Prayer (Молитва Господня) и знаменитая цитата из Книги Екклезиаста (Ecclesiastes). Привожу их с некоторыми сокращениями, оставляя то, что наиболее употребимо и что должен знать переводчик.
    •• 1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me. – Я Господь Бог твой, да не будет у тебя других богов перед лицом Моим;
    •• 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image [...] – Не делай себе кумира (в современном русском языке чаще встречается церковно-славянский вариант: Не сотвори себе кумира);
    •• 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord the God in vain.Не произноси имени Господа, Бога твоего, напрасно (чаще – с церковно-славянским «вкраплением» – всуе);
    •• 4. Remember the sabbath day, keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. – Помни день субботний, чтобы святить его. Шесть дней работай, и делай всякие дела твои. А день седьмый – суббота Господу Богу твоему;
    •• 5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days be long upon the land.Почитай отца твоего и мать твою, чтобы продлились дни твои на земле (церковно-славянский вариант, иногда слегка контаминированный, более распространен: Чти отца твоего и матерь твою);
    •• 6. Thou shalt not kill. Не убивай (чаще, конечно, церковно-славянское: Не убий);
    •• 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Не прелюбодействуй;
    •• 8. Thou shalt not steal. Не кради (церковно-славянское: Не укради);
    •• 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Не произноси ложного свидетельства на ближнего твоего;
    •• 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife [...] – Не желай дома ближнего твоего; не желай жены ближнего твоего... (в церковно-славянском: не пожелай).
    •• The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:11):
    •• Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
    •• Отче наш, сущий на небесах (церковно-славянское: иже еси на небесех)! да святится имя Твое; да приидет Царствие Твое; да будет воля Твоя на земле, как на небе; хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день (церковно-славянское: даждь нам днесь); и прости нам долги наши, как (церковно-славянское: яко же) и мы прощаем должникам нашим; и не введи нас во искушение, но избавь (церковно-славянское: избави) нас от лукавого; ибо Твое есть Царство и сила и слава во веки. Аминь.
    •• Незабываемый для меня момент женевской встречи на высшем уровне 1985 года – обед в советском представительстве, во время которого М.С.Горбачев в приветственном тосте довольно точно процитировал Книгу Екклезиаста. Интересно, что никто не проявил удивления, внешне, во всяком случае. Наступали новые времена. Привожу полностью английский и русский текст часто цитируемого библейского отрывка – слова необычайной красоты и мудрости.
    •• To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.Всему свое время, и время всякой вещи под небом.
    •• A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.Время рождаться, и время умирать; время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное;
    •• A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.Время убивать, и время врачевать; время разрушать, и время строить;
    •• A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.Время плакать, и время смеяться; время сетовать, и время плясать;
    •• A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.Время разбрасывать камни, и время собирать камни; время обнимать, и время уклоняться от объятий;
    •• A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away.Время искать, и время терять; время сберегать, и время бросать;
    •• A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.Время раздирать, и время сшивать; время молчать, и время говорить;
    •• A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.Время любить, и время ненавидеть; время войне, и время миру.
    •• Не делая попытки дать даже беглый обзор всего богатства библейской фразеологии, встречающейся в литературе, прессе и речи американцев и англичан, приведу частичный перечень выражений, которые, на мой взгляд, хорошо бы знать и по-русски и по-английски:
    •• to be all things to all menбыть «всем для всех». Часто употребляется с намеком на двуличие, политическую хитрость. Но в переводе, особенно устном, когда нет времени проанализировать политические нюансы, не следует спешить с такой «обвинительной интерпретацией» этой фразы, поскольку она может подразумевать нечто более безобидное и во всяком случае вполне понятное: стремление политика, любого человека всем угодить, всем понравиться. Вот обнаруженный мной на сайте www.wahyan.com пример именно такого использования этого фразеологизма: In many ways, Fr. Zee is a celebrity of sorts in the best Jesuit tradition of “All things to all Men.” – Во многих отношениях брат Зи – это своего рода знаменитость в лучших традициях тех иезуитов, которые стремятся «быть всем для всех»/в лучших, подвижнических традициях Ордена иезуитов;
    •• the apple of one’s eye – в Библии: зеница ока. В обыденном словоупотреблении: самое дорогое, любимое детище;
    •• a beam in one’s own eye бревно в собственном глазу. По-английски то, что мы называем в ставшей поговоркой фразе сучком или соломинкой, называется в соответствии с библейским текстом a mote (in thy brother’s eye);
    •• man shall not live by bread alone – в русском словоупотреблении своеобразная смесь церковно-славянского и современного вариантов: не хлебом единым жив человек;
    •• render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s – аналогичный случай смешения в поговорке церковно-славянского и современного русского вариантов библейского текста: отдайте кесарю кесарево, а Богу – Богово;
    •• the golden calfзолотой/златой телец (т.е. власть денег, «желтого дьявола»). Большинство читателей, наверное, не догадывались, что в названии знаменитого романа Ильфа и Петрова – библейская аллюзия;
    •• to turn the other cheek – подставить другую щеку. В Ветхом Завете – противоположный принцип: eye for eye, tooth for tooth (в современном английском an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth) - око за око, зуб за зуб;
    •• faith, hope, charity (иногда вариант faith, hope, love) – вера, надежда, любовь;
    •• Colossus with feet of clay колосс на глиняных ногах;
    •• filthy lucre«презренный металл», корыстолюбие. Раньше имело значение грязные деньги, сейчас употребляется главным образом иронически – в наше время не так много людей, презирающих деньги;
    •• a fly in the ointment – в Библии: муха в бальзаме. В обиходной речи: ложка дегтя в бочке меда;
    •• forbidden fruit запретный плод;
    •• holier than thou – библейская цитата вышла из употребления, но любопытные могут справиться в Книге Пророка Исайи (65:5). В современной английской речи употребляется как прилагательное в значении высокомерный, ханжеский, лицемерный.
    •• В своих интересных статьях о библеизмах Т.П.Клюкина отмечает, что вместо holier могут употребляться другие прилагательные, причем коннотация выражения сохраняется. Судя по обнаруженным мною примерам, это – как правило, хотя и не всегда – коннотация некоторого морального или иного превосходства над другими. (Об интересном исследовании психологов из Корнельского университета рассказала телесеть «Эй-би-си». Они установили, что ощущение своего морального превосходства свойственно всем нам: People see themselves as being fairer, more altruistic, more self-sacrificing, more moral than most others. In short, most of us think we really are “holier than thou,” although we may not be willing to admit it. [...] There is just one problem. Most of us can’t be above average. [...] So if most people see themselves as better than the average person, they have to be making one of two mistakes: Either they think they’re a lot better than they really are, or those other folks out there aren’t as bad as they seem. Есть о чем задуматься.) Но и при хорошем понимании подтекста не всегда легко найти адекватный перевод. Вот, например, заголовок рецензии на книги по проблемам экологии и политики в газете «Нью-Йорк таймс»: Greener Than Thou«Экология с претензией на истину в последней инстанции». Другой пример – с сайта zdnet.com: Intel has been coping a ‘mightier-than-thou’ attitude for far too long. – «Интел» слишком долго кичится своим воображаемым превосходством. Несколько иная коннотация – своего рода конкуренция, попытка «бежать впереди паровоза» – в названии нашумевшей в 1970-х годах статьи Пола Сибери о епископальной церкви в США Trendier Than Thou: The Episcopal Church and the Secular World. Я бы предложил следующий перевод: «В погоне за интеллектуальной модой. Епископальная церковь и общество».
    •• at the eleventh hour – широко распространено в прессе и в разговорной речи, смысл: в последний момент;
    •• a house divided (against itself) – далее в Библии: cannot stand. Дом, разделившийся сам в себе, не устоит. В сознании американцев ассоциируется со знаменитой речью Линкольна 16 июня 1858 года. Слова a house divided в современной речи означают раскол, губительные непримиримые противоречия;
    •• the fat years and the lean years годы изобилия и годы лишений. А если проще – хорошие годы и плохие годы, «взлеты и падения».
    •• the massacre/slaughter of the innocent избиение младенцев (я благодарен Т.П.Клюкиной, которая обратила мое внимание на то, что в то время как в английском языке это выражение имеет трагическую окраску, в русском словоупотреблении – скорее ироническую);
    •• the land flowing with [the land of] milk and honeyземля, где течет молоко и мед («молочные реки, кисельные берега»);
    •• the promised land земля обетованная;
    •• a mess of pottage чечевичная похлебка;
    •• out of the mouths of babes and sucklings – библейский вариант: из уст младенцев и грудных детей. В современном русском устами младенцев (глаголет истина);
    •• Physician, heal thyself – по-русски – в церковно-славянском варианте: Врачу, исцелися сам;
    •• the powers that be – в русском тексте Библии: существующие власти. В политических и других современных текстах переводится власти предержащие, сильные мира сего. В современном русском переводе Библии: высшие власти;
    •• Seek, and ye shall find ищите и обрящете (вновь церковно-славянский вариант);
    •• vanity of vanities (далее в Екклезиасте: All is vanity and vexation of spirit) – Суета сует. Всё – суета и томление духа;
    •• voice (of one) crying in the wilderness глас вопиющего в пустыне;
    •• the writing on the wall – из библейской легенды о письменах на стене во время Валтасарова пира (см. Книгу Пророка Даниила). В современном языке зловещее предзнаменование, предостережение о гибели, «судьба предрешена».
    •• В русско-английской части словаря нет статьи, посвященной употреблению в современной публицистике библейской, церковно-славянской и конфессиональной лексики. И тому есть причины, хотя существует мнение, что в современных СМИ она используется все шире. Это мнение, однако, верно лишь отчасти. Действительно, изменение отношения власти к церкви в 1980–90-x гг. привело к более частому употреблению конфессиональной лексики, например, в описании храмов, обрядов, в официальной хронике, связанной с иерархами церкви, особенно Русской Православной, и т.д. Но даже здесь, как отмечает исследователь этого явления И.П.Прядко, «интерес авторов... к религиозной тематике в большинстве случаев ограничивается внешними сторонами православного культа и не идет вглубь, не затрагивает духовно-философских основ возрождаемой религии». Отсюда – поверхностность, многочисленные ошибки и неточности. Образованный переводчик увидит здесь не столько переводческую проблему, сколько проявление не слишком высокой культуры.
    •• Что же касается употребления библеизмов и фразеологизмов церковно-славянского происхождения (ничтоже сумняшеся, притча во языцех, на круги своя, злоба дня, и иже с ними и т.п.), то, во-первых, это не ново. Ими не брезговали большевистские руководители первых лет революции и публицисты типа Давида Заславского, а в послевоенной журналистике мода на них была устойчивой. В постперестроечное время их использование особенно характерно для публицистов крайних направлений – коммуно-патриотического (А.Проханов, авторы «Советской России») и радикал-либерального (например, В.Новодворская, Максим Соколов). И.П.Прядко отмечает, что в то время, как «в журналах и газетах, относящихся к группе так называемых «патриотических изданий, эти единицы соотнесены с концептом высокого..., либеральные журналисты чаще всего используют библейскую лексику как средство иронии и сатиры». И для тех, и для других, на мой взгляд, характерны недостаток вкуса и чувства меры. Вновь процитирую И.П.Прядко: «Примеры правильного и осознанного употребления церковно-славянской лексики в речевом пространстве современных СМИ найти чрезвычайно трудно». Так что пока я не нахожу этим стилистическим изыскам наших публицистов места в моем несистематическом словаре. Отправим их в корзину ( waste-paper basket).

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > Bible words and phrases

  • 4 tant

    tant [tɑ̃]
       a. ( = tellement) (avec verbe) so much ; (avec adjectif, participe) so
    il l'aime tant ! he loves her so much!
    tu m'en diras tant ! really!
       c. ( = autant) les enfants, tant filles que garçons the children, both girls and boys
    tant que ça ? as much as that?
    tu la paies tant que ça ? do you pay her as much as that?
       d. (locutions)
    il sera difficile de sauver l'entreprise, tant il est vrai que sa situation financière est désastreuse the financial situation is so disastrous that it will be difficult to save the company tant et si bien que so much so that
    je ne peux pas venir -- tant pis pour toi ! I can't come -- that's your loss! tant que ( = aussi longtemps que) as long as ; ( = pendant que) while
    tant qu'elle aura de la fièvre, elle restera au lit as long as she has a temperature she'll stay in bed
    tant que tu n'auras pas fini tes devoirs, tu resteras à la maison you can't go out until you've finished your homework
    tant qu'on a la santé ! (inf) as long as you've got your health!(PROV) tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir(PROV) where there's life, there's hope
    tant que tu y es, achète aussi du pain while you are at it, buy some bread as well
    je veux une moto -- pourquoi pas une voiture tant que tu y es ! (inf) I want a motorbike -- why not a car while you're at it! (inf) tant qu'à faire
    tant qu'à faire, allons-y maintenant we might as well go now
    j'aurais préféré être beau et riche, tant qu'à faire I would have preferred to have been handsome and rich for that matter
    tant qu'à faire, faites-le bien if you're going to do it, do it properly en tant que ( = comme) as
    * * *

    vous m'en direz tant! — (colloq) you don't say!

    tant il est vrai que... — since it's a well-known fact that...

    2) ( autant)

    tant ses films que ses romans — both his/her films and his/her novels ou his/her films as much as his/her novels

    n'aimer rien tant que... — to like nothing so much as...

    tant bien que mal[réparer, organiser, diriger] after a fashion; [se débrouiller] more or less

    tant que tu y es, balaye aussi la cuisine — while you're at it, sweep the kitchen as well

    traite-moi de menteur tant que tu y es! — (colloq) go ahead and call me a liar!

    gagner/dépenser tant par mois — to earn/to spend so much a month

    tant de déterminant indéfini


    tant pis pour toi — too bad, that's your bad luck

    tant et plusgén a great deal; ( avec un nom dénombrable) a great many

    s'il avait un tant soit peu de bon sens — if he had the slightest bit of common sense, if he had an ounce of common sense

    tant qu'à faire, autant repeindre toute la pièce — we may as well repaint the whole room while we're at it

    tant qu'à faire, je préférerais que ce soit lui qui l'achète — since somebody has to buy it, I'd rather it was him

    en tant que as; en tant que tel — as such

    je ne l'aime pas tant que ça — I don't like him/her all that much

    * * *
    tɑ̃ adv
    1) (= tellement) so much

    Il a tant travaillé qu'il s'est rendu malade. — He worked so hard that he made himself ill.

    tant de [sable, eau]so much

    tant de nourriture — so much food, [gens, livres] so many

    2) (en corrélation avec "que": autant)

    Prenez-en tant que vous voudrez. — Take as much as you want.

    Tu ne sortiras pas tant que tu n'auras pas fini tes devoirs. — You're not going out until you've finished your homework., (avec une phrase affirmative) while

    Profites-en tant que tu peux. — Make the most of it while you can.

    en tant que — as

    Il y est allé en tant que représentant du syndicat. — He went as a representative of the union.

    tant mieux — that's great, so much the better

    un tant soit peu (= un peu) — a little bit, (= même un peu) (even) remotely

    tant s'en faut lit — far from it, not by a long way

    * * *
    A adv
    1 ( modifiant un verbe) so much; ( modifiant un participe passé) much; il a tant crié qu'il n'a plus de voix, il n'a plus de voix tant il a crié he's been shouting so much that he's lost his voice; il quitta la pièce tant il se sentait honteux he was so ashamed that he left the room; il a tant insisté que j'ai fini par céder he was so insistent that I ended up giving in; qu'as-tu à tant pleurer? why are you crying so much?; il travaille tant! he works so much ou so hard!; vous m'en direz tant! you don't say!; il y a tant à faire qu'il ne sait pas où commencer there's so much to be done that he doesn't know where to start; elle m'a tant appris! she taught me so much!; tant il est vrai que… since it's a well-known fact that…; les diamants tant convoités the much coveted diamonds; le moment tant attendu the long-awaited moment; le chef tant redouté the much dreaded boss;
    2 ( dans une comparaison) son œuvre est remarquable, tant ses films que ses romans his works are remarkable, both his films and his novels ou his films as much as his novels; il est odieux avec tout le monde, tant avec ses collègues qu'avec sa famille he's obnoxious to everybody, both to his colleagues and to his family ou as much to his colleagues as to his family; ce n'est pas tant une question d'argent qu'une question de principe it's not so much a question of money as a question of principle; n'aimer rien tant que… to like nothing so much as…; il poussait tant qu'il pouvait he pushed as hard as he could, he pushed for all he was worth; tu peux protester tant que tu voudras, il ne changera pas d'avis you can protest as much as you like, he won't change his mind; faire qch tant bien que mal to do sth with great difficulty;
    3 ( aussi longtemps) tant que as long as; je resterai tant qu'il y aura du travail I'll stay as long as there's work to be had; je ne partirai pas tant qu'il ne m'aura pas accordé un rendez-vous I won't leave until he's given me an appointment; profites-en tant que tu peux make the most of it while you can; aide-moi donc à déplacer cette armoire tant que tu es là since you're here why don't you help me move the wardrobe?; tant que tu y es, balaye aussi la cuisine while you're at it, sweep the kitchen as well; traite-moi de menteur tant que tu y es! go ahead and call me a liar!;
    4 ( remplaçant un nombre) gagner/dépenser tant par mois to earn/to spend so much a month; votre lettre datée du tant your letter of such- and-such a date.
    B tant de dét indéf
    1 ( avec un nom dénombrable) so many; tant de livres/d'idées so many books/ideas; tant de meubles so much furniture; Loulou, Grovagnard, Pichon et tant d'autres Loulou, Grovagnard, Pichon and so many others; des petits pavillons comme on en voit tant en banlieue small houses of which there are so many in the suburbs; s'il y a tant de tickets vendus par semaine if so many tickets are sold per week;
    2 ( avec un nom non dénombrable) so much; tant d'argent/de travail/de bonheur so much money/work/happiness; je n'ai jamais vu tant de monde I've never seen so many people; tant d'humilité force le respect such humility commands respect; il y avait tant de sel dans la soupe qu'elle était immangeable the soup was so salty, you couldn't eat it.
    C ( dans des locutions) tant pis too bad; tant pis pour toi/lui/eux too bad for you/him/them, that's your/his/their bad luck; tant mieux so much the better; tant mieux pour toi/lui/eux good for you/him/them; tant et plus gén a great deal; ( avec nom comptable) a great many; tant et si bien que so much so that; il a fait tant et si bien qu'il s'est fait renvoyer he finally managed to get himself fired; il est un tant soit peu arrogant he's a bit arrogant; s'il avait un tant soit peu d'imagination/de bon sens if he had the slightest bit of imagination/of common sense, if he had an ounce of imagination/of common sense; si tu étais (un) tant soit peu inquiet if you were in the least bit worried; tant s'en faut not by a long shot; tant qu'à faire, autant repeindre toute la pièce we may as well repaint the whole room; tant qu'à faire, je préférerais que ce soit lui qui l'achète since somebody has to buy it, I'd rather it was him; tant qu'à acheter un ordinateur, autant en acheter un bon if you're going to buy a computer, you may as well buy a good one; en tant que as; en tant que lexicographe as a lexicographer; en tant que tel as such; si tant est qu'il puisse y aller that is if he can go at all; tant que ça? ( avec un nom comptable) that many?; ( avec un nom non comptable ou un verbe) that much?; je ne l'aime pas tant que ça I don't like him/her all that much; tant qu'à moi/toi/lui as for me/you/him.
    [tɑ̃] adverbe
    1. [avec un verbe]
    [en corrélation avec 'que']
    2. [avec un participe passé]
    3. (soutenu) [introduisant la cause]
    deux personnes se sont évanouies, tant il faisait chaud it was so hot (that) two people fainted
    4. [exprimant une quantité imprécise] so much
    5. [introduisant une comparaison]
    [tɑ̃] nom masculin
    en tant que locution conjonctive
    1. [en qualité de] as
    2. [dans la mesure où] as long as
    tant bien que mal locution adverbiale
    le moteur est reparti, tant bien que mal somehow, the engine started up again
    tant de locution déterminante
    [en corrélation avec 'que']
    elle a tant de travail qu'elle n'a même plus le temps de faire les courses she has so much work that she doesn't even have the time to go shopping anymore
    2. [exprimant une quantité imprécise]
    tant et plus locution adverbiale
    tant et si bien que locution conjonctive
    tant il est vrai que locution conjonctive
    il s'en remettra, tant il est vrai que le temps guérit tout he'll get over it, for it's true that time is a great healer
    tant mieux locution adverbiale
    tant pis locution adverbiale
    je reste, tant pis s'il n'est pas content I'm staying, too bad if he doesn't like it
    tant soit peu locution adverbiale
    s'il est tant soit peu intelligent, il comprendra if he is even the slightest bit intelligent, he'll understand
    tant que locution conjonctive
    1. [autant que] as ou so much as
    vous irez, tous tant que vous êtes every last one of you will go
    tous tant que nous sommes all of us, every single ou last one of us
    2. [aussi longtemps que] as long as
    [pendant que] while
    tant que j'y pense, as-tu reçu ma carte? while I think of it, did you get my card?
    tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir while there's life there's hope
    tant qu'à locution conjonctive
    tant qu'à partir, autant partir tout de suite if I/you etc. must go, I/you etc. might as well do it right away
    tant qu'à m'expatrier, j'aime mieux que ce soit dans un beau pays if I have to go and live abroad, I'd rather go somewhere nice
    tant qu'à faire: tant qu'à faire, je préférerais du poisson I'd rather have fish if I have the choice
    tant qu'à faire, sortons maintenant we might as well go out now
    un tant soit peu locution adverbiale

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > tant

  • 5 both sides of the coin

    обе стороны медали, обе стороны вопроса

    He's a man with many qualities I like, even admire, and with many others I deplore; I simply say that one has to look at both sides of the coin. (E. O'Connor, ‘The Last Hurrah’, ch. V) — У Скеффингтона много качеств, которые мне нравятся, даже восхищают. Но кое-что в нем вызывает у меня огорчение. Попросту говоря, надо стараться видеть обе стороны медали.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > both sides of the coin

  • 6 spontex

    n. m. 'Old soak', habitual drunkard. ( Spontex is the well-known brand- name of a household sponge, and like many others has drifted into colloquial language.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > spontex

  • 7 и многие другие

    and many others

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > и многие другие

  • 8 eva

    and many others

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > eva

  • 9 и многие другие

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > и многие другие

  • 10 и многие другие

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > и многие другие

  • 11 mismo

    same, selfsame, self-same, very same.
    himself, per se, as such, in itself.
    El hombre mismo The man himself. El mismo hombre = The same man.
    * * *
    1 same
    1 same
    yo (ti, etc) mismo,-a myself (yourself, etc)
    con el sr. Suárez por favor --yo mismo may I speak to Mr Suárez please? --speaking
    es lo mismo (la misma cosa) it amounts to the same thing 2 (no importa) it doesn't matter
    lo mismo da it doen't matter
    o lo que es lo mismo that is to say
    ¡por eso mismo! precisely
    volver a las mismas / estar en las mismas to be back at square one
    1 same
    * * *
    (f. - misma)
    1) same
    2) very
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=igual) same

    respondieron al mismo tiempo — they answered together, they answered at the same time

    el mismo... que — the same... as

    2) [reflexivo]
    valerse 2)
    3) [enfático]
    a) [relativo a personas]

    yo mismo lo vi — I saw it myself, I saw it with my own eyes

    -¿quién responde? -a ver, tú mismo — "who's going to answer?" - "well, why don't you answer yourself!"

    b) [relativo a cosas]

    -¿cuál quieres? -ese mismo — "which one do you want?" - "that one there"

    -¡es un canalla! -eso mismo pienso yo — "he's a swine!" - "my thoughts exactly"

    en todos los países europeos, España misma incluida — in all European countries, including Spain itself

    Ana es la generosidad misma — Ana is generosity itself, Ana is the epitome of generosity

    en ese mismo momentoat that very moment

    por eso mismo, era pobre y por eso mismo su ascenso tiene más mérito — he was poor and for that very reason his promotion is all the more commendable

    4) [como pronombre]

    -¿y qué edad tienes tú? -la misma que él — "and how old are you?" - "I'm the same age as him"

    -¿es usted la señorita Sánchez? -¡la misma! — "are you Miss Sánchez?" - "I am indeed!"


    lo mismo —

    a) (=la misma cosa) the same (thing)

    ¡hombre, no es lo mismo! — it's not the same (thing) at all!

    - son unos canallas -lo mismo digo yo — "they're swine" - "that's (exactly) what I say"

    -¡enhorabuena! -lo mismo digo — "congratulations!" - "likewise" o "the same to you"

    - eres un sinvergüenza -lo mismo te digo — "you're completely shameless" - "you too" o "so are you"

    -¿qué desea de beber? -lo mismo (de antes), por favor — "what would you like to drink?" - "(the) same again, please"

    cuando le interese a él, o lo que es lo mismo, nunca — when it suits him, in other words never

    por lo mismo, no es inteligente y por lo mismo tiene que estudiar el doble — he's not clever, which is exactly why he has to study twice as hard

    lo mismo que, le dijo lo mismo que yo — she told him the same thing o the same as she told me


    dar lo mismo, da lo mismo — it's all the same, it makes no difference

    me da lo mismo, lo mismo me da — I don't mind, it's all the same to me

    c) * (=a lo mejor)

    no lo sé todavía, pero lo mismo voy — I don't know yet, but I may well come

    pídeselo, lo mismo te lo presta — ask him for it; you never know, he may lend it to you


    lo mismo que (=al igual que)

    en Europa, lo mismo que en América — in Europe, (just) as in America

    lo mismo que usted es médico yo soy ingeniero — just as you are a doctor, so I am an engineer

    suspendí el examen, lo mismo que Íñigo — I failed the exam, just like Íñigo

    yo, lo mismo que mi padre, odio el baloncesto — I hate basketball, just like my father


    lo mismo... que (=tanto... como)

    aquí lo mismo te venden una vajilla que una bicicleta — they'll sell you anything here, from a dinner service to a bicycle

    ADV [enfático]

    ahora mismo — (=inmediatamente) right away o now; (=hace un momento) just now

    ahora mismo acabo de hablar con él — I've just been talking to him, I was talking to him only a moment ago

    aquí mismo, -¿dónde lo pongo? -aquí mismo — "where shall I put it?" - "right here"

    así mismo, -¿cómo quieres el filete? -así mismo está bien — "how would you like your steak?" - "it's fine as it is"

    ayer mismo — only yesterday

    hoy mismo, he llegado hoy mismo — I just arrived today

    mañana mismo, llegará mañana mismo — he's arriving tomorrow, no less

    * * *
    - ma adjetivo
    b) (como pron) same

    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? - el mismo — are you Pedro Lecue? - I am indeed o that's right

    en las mismas: no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas it hasn't arrived so we're no further on; si vienes tú pero falta él, estamos en las mismas — if you come but he doesn't turn up, then we're no better off

    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas)

    eso mismo pienso yothat's exactly o just what I think


    lo mismo para mí — the same for me, please

    dar lo mismo: me da lo mismo si lo rompe I don't care if he breaks it; le da lo mismo con o sin azúcar he doesn't mind with or without sugar; da lo mismo quién lo haga — it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it


    lo mismo(como adv)

    te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda — you can meet him in the street and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you

    ¿pregúntaselo? lo mismo dice que sí — ask him, he might (well) o may (well) say yes

    lo mismo puedes conseguir caramelos que una botella de whisky — you can get anything, from sweets to a bottle of whiskey

    b) (RPl fam) ( de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway

    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras — our company, like so many others

    a) (como pron) (frml)
    b) (como pron relativo) (Méx frml)

    agradecemos su donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos — we thank you for your donation, which has been used to buy medicines


    aquí/ahora mismo — right here/now

    * * *
    = identical, same, equal.
    Ex. The DISPLAY command is identical to the TYPE command except when using a format which includes only a few lines per record.
    Ex. The command function 'SAVE' is used to save a search formulation for later use on the same or another data base on the same system.
    Ex. Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.
    * admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * ahora mismo = right now, just now.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * allí mismo = on the spot, there and then.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * al mismo tiempo = at once, at the same time, concurrently, in the process, simultaneously, at one and the same time, contemporaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, concomitantly, at the one time, all the while.
    * al mismo tiempo que = in parallel to/with, while, as the same time as, cum, in conjunction with.
    * al mismo tiempo que + Indicativo = whilst + Gerundio.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * apuntar a la misma conclusión = point to + the same conclusion.
    * aquí mismo = right here.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a usted mismo = thyself.
    * bajo un mismo techo = under one roof.
    * brillar por Uno mismo = shine on + Posesivo + own.
    * concepto de uno mismo = self-image.
    * conciencia de sí mismo = self-awareness.
    * conciencia de uno mismo = self-awareness.
    * con confianza en uno mismo = self-confident.
    * con el mismo = therewith.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * con el mismo planteamiento que = on the same lines as.
    * confianza en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * conócete a ti mismo = know + thyself.
    * consciente de uno mismo = self-conscious.
    * cuestionario rellenado por uno mismo = self-administered questionnaire.
    * cuidado de uno mismo = self-caring, self-care.
    * definido por uno mismo = self-defined.
    * definir por uno mismo = self-define.
    * de la misma categoría que = in a class with.
    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * del mismo calibre que = in a class with.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del mismo + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * del mismo sexo = same-sex.
    * del mismo tipo que las oficinas = office-type.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * ella misma = herself.
    * él mismo = himself.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * encerrado en sí mismo = closeted.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en la misma época = contemporaneously.
    * en la misma habitación = ensuite.
    * en la misma línea de = in the vein of.
    * en la misma línea que = in line with.
    * en sí mismo = in itself, unto + Reflexivo, per se.
    * en sí mismos = in themselves.
    * escogido por uno mismo = self-chosen.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar en la misma categoría que = rank with.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * evidente por sí mismo = self-evident.
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hasta el mismo = right up to.
    * imagen de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * intentar hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * mí mismo = myself.
    * mismo, lo = same difference, the.
    * mismo tipo de = same range of.
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * Nombre + mismo = very + Nombre.
    * nosotros mismos = ourselves.
    * orientado hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * percepción de uno mismo = self-perception.
    * pero al mismo tiempo = but then again.
    * perseguir los mismos fines = work + on the same lines.
    * perseguir los mismos objetivos = work + on the same lines.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, itself, unto + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * presentación de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * probar a hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * reconocido por Uno mismo, admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguridad en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * seguro de sí mismo = assured, self-assured, poised.
    * seguro de uno mismo = self-confident.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser un fin en sí mismos = be ends in themselves.
    * siempre lo mismo = the same old thing.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * valerse de sí mismo = self-serve.
    * valérselas por uno mismo = negotiate + Posesivo + way, fly + solo.
    * valerse por sí mismo = self-serve.
    * ver con los mismos ojos = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * y al mismo tiempo = and in the process, yet.
    * yo mismo = myself.
    * * *
    - ma adjetivo
    b) (como pron) same

    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? - el mismo — are you Pedro Lecue? - I am indeed o that's right

    en las mismas: no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas it hasn't arrived so we're no further on; si vienes tú pero falta él, estamos en las mismas — if you come but he doesn't turn up, then we're no better off

    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas)

    eso mismo pienso yothat's exactly o just what I think


    lo mismo para mí — the same for me, please

    dar lo mismo: me da lo mismo si lo rompe I don't care if he breaks it; le da lo mismo con o sin azúcar he doesn't mind with or without sugar; da lo mismo quién lo haga — it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it


    lo mismo(como adv)

    te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda — you can meet him in the street and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you

    ¿pregúntaselo? lo mismo dice que sí — ask him, he might (well) o may (well) say yes

    lo mismo puedes conseguir caramelos que una botella de whisky — you can get anything, from sweets to a bottle of whiskey

    b) (RPl fam) ( de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway

    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras — our company, like so many others

    a) (como pron) (frml)
    b) (como pron relativo) (Méx frml)

    agradecemos su donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos — we thank you for your donation, which has been used to buy medicines


    aquí/ahora mismo — right here/now

    * * *
    = identical, same, equal.

    Ex: The DISPLAY command is identical to the TYPE command except when using a format which includes only a few lines per record.

    Ex: The command function 'SAVE' is used to save a search formulation for later use on the same or another data base on the same system.
    Ex: Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.
    * admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * ahora mismo = right now, just now.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * allí mismo = on the spot, there and then.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * al mismo tiempo = at once, at the same time, concurrently, in the process, simultaneously, at one and the same time, contemporaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, concomitantly, at the one time, all the while.
    * al mismo tiempo que = in parallel to/with, while, as the same time as, cum, in conjunction with.
    * al mismo tiempo que + Indicativo = whilst + Gerundio.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * apuntar a la misma conclusión = point to + the same conclusion.
    * aquí mismo = right here.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a usted mismo = thyself.
    * bajo un mismo techo = under one roof.
    * brillar por Uno mismo = shine on + Posesivo + own.
    * concepto de uno mismo = self-image.
    * conciencia de sí mismo = self-awareness.
    * conciencia de uno mismo = self-awareness.
    * con confianza en uno mismo = self-confident.
    * con el mismo = therewith.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * con el mismo planteamiento que = on the same lines as.
    * confianza en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * conócete a ti mismo = know + thyself.
    * consciente de uno mismo = self-conscious.
    * cuestionario rellenado por uno mismo = self-administered questionnaire.
    * cuidado de uno mismo = self-caring, self-care.
    * definido por uno mismo = self-defined.
    * definir por uno mismo = self-define.
    * de la misma categoría que = in a class with.
    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * del mismo calibre que = in a class with.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del mismo + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * del mismo sexo = same-sex.
    * del mismo tipo que las oficinas = office-type.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * ella misma = herself.
    * él mismo = himself.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * encerrado en sí mismo = closeted.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en la misma época = contemporaneously.
    * en la misma habitación = ensuite.
    * en la misma línea de = in the vein of.
    * en la misma línea que = in line with.
    * en sí mismo = in itself, unto + Reflexivo, per se.
    * en sí mismos = in themselves.
    * escogido por uno mismo = self-chosen.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar en la misma categoría que = rank with.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * evidente por sí mismo = self-evident.
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hasta el mismo = right up to.
    * imagen de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * intentar hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * mí mismo = myself.
    * mismo, lo = same difference, the.
    * mismo tipo de = same range of.
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * Nombre + mismo = very + Nombre.
    * nosotros mismos = ourselves.
    * orientado hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * percepción de uno mismo = self-perception.
    * pero al mismo tiempo = but then again.
    * perseguir los mismos fines = work + on the same lines.
    * perseguir los mismos objetivos = work + on the same lines.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, itself, unto + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * presentación de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * probar a hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * reconocido por Uno mismo, admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguridad en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * seguro de sí mismo = assured, self-assured, poised.
    * seguro de uno mismo = self-confident.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser un fin en sí mismos = be ends in themselves.
    * siempre lo mismo = the same old thing.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * valerse de sí mismo = self-serve.
    * valérselas por uno mismo = negotiate + Posesivo + way, fly + solo.
    * valerse por sí mismo = self-serve.
    * ver con los mismos ojos = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * y al mismo tiempo = and in the process, yet.
    * yo mismo = myself.

    * * *
    mismo1 -ma
    no puedo hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo I can't do two things at once o at the same time
    es la misma historia de siempre it's the same old story
    mismo … QUE:
    le gustan las mismas películas que a mí she likes the same movies as I do o as me
    2 ( como pron) same
    Roma ya no es la misma Rome isn't the same any more
    ¿mi hermana? siempre la misma, no escribe nunca my sister? just the same as ever o she hasn't changed, she never writes
    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? — el mismo are you Pedro Lecue? — I am indeed o that's right o ( hum) the very same
    mismo QUE:
    es el mismo que vimos ayer it's the same one we saw yesterday
    en las mismas: el pedido no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas the order hasn't arrived so we're no further on
    si vienes el sábado pero faltas mañana, estamos en las mismas if you come on Saturday but you don't turn up tomorrow, then we're no better off o we're back to square one
    (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas): queda en el centro mismo or en el mismo centro de Lima it's right in the center of Lima, it's in the very center of Lima
    en este mismo instante lo estaba por hacer I was (just) about to do it this very minute
    eso mismo pienso/digo yo that's exactly o just what I think/say
    me resulta difícilpor eso mismo debes esforzarte más I find it difficult — that's just the reason o that's precisely o that's exactly why you have to make more of an effort
    (referiéndose a personas): el obispo mismo salió a recibirlos the bishop himself came out to welcome them
    hablé con el mismísimo presidente I spoke to the president himself
    este niño es el mismísimo diablo this child is a real little devil! ( colloq)
    lo haré yo misma I'll do it myself, I'll deal with it personally
    te perjudicas a ti mismo you're only spiting o hurting yourself
    él mismo lo trajo he brought it himself
    tiene que aprender a valerse por sí mismo he has to learn to manage o cope by himself
    se corta el pelo ella misma she cuts her own hair
    él mismo se pone las inyecciones he gives himself the injections
    lo mismo (la misma cosa): siempre dice lo mismo he always says the same (thing)
    ¿por qué llora? — por lo mismo de siempre why is she crying? — the same as usual o what does she ever cry about?
    si lo haces con aceite ya no es lo mismo if you make it with oil it's not quite the same (thing)
    un café y una tostadalo mismo para mí a coffee and a slice of toast — the same for me, please o I'll have the same, please
    ¡qué elegante te has venido! — lo mismo digo you're looking very smart! — so are you o you, too
    ¡que lo pases bien! — lo mismo (te) digo have a good time — you too o I hope you do too o and you
    lo despidieron o, lo que es lo mismo le dijeron que ya no necesitaban sus servicios they fired him, or at least they told him his services were no longer required, which comes to the same thing
    lo mismo (…) QUE the same (…) AS
    no es lo mismo cocinar para dos que para una familia cooking for a family is quite different from o is not the same as cooking for two
    se murió de lo mismo que su padre he died of the same thing as his father
    pidió lo mismo que yo he ordered the same as me
    dar lo mismo: si sigues así lo vas a romperme da lo mismo if you carry on like that you'll break it — I don't care
    ¿lo quieres con o sin leche? — me da lo mismo do you want it black or white? — I don't mind
    ¿prefieres un cheque o dinero en efectivo? — me da lo mismo, con tal de que me paguen … would you prefer a check or cash? — I don't mind o it makes no difference (to me) o ( BrE) it makes no odds (to me), as long as I get paid
    da lo mismo quién lo haga it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it
    1 ( fam)
    (expresando posibilidad): te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda you can meet him in the street and he might not even say hello to you o and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you
    ¿por qué no le preguntas? lo mismo dice que sí why don't you ask him? he might (well) o may (well) say yes
    lo mismo (…) QUE:
    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? — lo mismo puede tener cuarenta que cincuenta how old do you think he is? — he could just as easily be forty as fifty o he could be anything from forty to fifty
    lo mismo puedes conseguir un destornillador que una botella de whisky you can get anything, from a screwdriver to a bottle of whiskey
    2 ( RPl fam) (de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway
    ya sé que se va a enojar pero lo mismo se lo voy a decir I know he's going to get annoyed but I'm going to tell him just the same o all the same o anyway
    yo le dije que no había sido yo pero me pegó lo mismo I told her it wasn't me but she still hit me o she hit me anyway
    lo mismo que (al igual que): nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras, se ha visto afectada por la crisis our company, like so many others, has been affected by the crisis
    si lo mismo que decidiste ir en tren hubieras ido en avión, no habrías contado el cuento if you'd decided to go by plane instead of by train, you wouldn't be here to tell the tale
    1 ( como pron) ( frml):
    se detuvo un coche y tres individuos bajaron del mismo a car pulled up and three individuals got out
    ( Méx frml): agradecemos su generoso donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos we thank you for your generous donation, which has been used to buy medicines
    veintidós millones de estudiantes reanudarán sus clases, mismos que serán atendidos por unos 900 mil maestros twenty-two million students will resume classes, to be taught by some 900 thousand teachers
    (uso enfático): aquí mismo podemos comer we can eat right here
    hoy mismo te mando el cheque I'll send you the check today
    ¿cómo puede ser? si ayer mismo hablé con él y estaba de acuerdo how do you mean? I spoke to him only yesterday and he agreed
    quiero que lo hagas ahora mismo I want you to do it right o ( BrE) straightaway, I want you to do it right now
    B ( RPl fam) (hasta, incluso) even
    se visten muy bien, mismo con la crisis they dress very well, even in these times of shortage
    resultó muy difícil, mismo para él que tiene mucha experiencia it was very difficult, even for him with all his experience
    * * *


    mismo 1
    ◊ -ma adjetivo


    hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo to do two things at once o at the same time

    el mismo que vimos ayer the same one we saw yesterday
    2 ( uso enfático)
    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas):

    en este mismo instante this very minute;
    eso mismo pienso yo that's exactly what I think

    te perjudicas a ti mismo you're only hurting yourself;
    ella misma lo trajo she brought it herself
    lo mismo: siempre dice lo mismo he always says the same thing;

    lo mismo para mí the same for me, please;
    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras our company, like so many others;
    los niños pueden ir lo mismo que los adultos children can go as well as adults;
    o lo que es lo mismo in other words;
    da lo mismo it doesn't matter;
    me/le da lo mismo I don't care/he/she doesn't care
    mismo 2 adverbio ( uso enfático):
    aquí/ahora mismo right here/now;

    hoy mismo te mando el cheque I'll send you the check today;
    ayer mismo hablé con él I spoke to him only yesterday
    I adjetivo
    1 same
    el mismo acento, the same accent
    2 (uso enfático) el rey mismo apareció en el umbral, the king himself appeared on the threshold
    II pron same: comemos siempre lo mismo, we always eat the same thing
    me da lo mismo, it makes no difference to me
    es el mismo árbol, it's the same tree
    por uno o sí mismo, by oneself
    III adverbio
    1 (intensificador) murió allí mismo, he died right there
    ahora mismo, right now
    2 (por ejemplo) for instance: Pedro mismo te ayudará, Pedro will help you, for instance
    (incluso) yo mismo estoy de acuerdo, even I agree 3 así mismo, likewise

    ' mismo' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - actualmente
    - ahora
    - allí
    - aquí
    - aunar
    - ayudarse
    - balancearse
    - bar
    - barco
    - batalla
    - coincidir
    - cojear
    - confianza
    - conforme
    - congénere
    - conmigo
    - consigo
    - contigo
    - continuismo
    - costearse
    - decirse
    - doblete
    - dominio
    - dueña
    - dueño
    - encerrarse
    - encogerse
    - enfoque
    - enviudar
    - esperar
    - igual
    - igualmente
    - intentar
    - machacar
    - meter
    - misma
    - mismamente
    - parecerse
    - presentarse
    - rasero
    - replegarse
    - ruin
    - saber
    - saco
    - satisfecha
    - satisfecho
    - se
    - assurance
    - autograph
    - boat
    - central
    - charity
    - chase
    - close
    - complacent
    - concurrently
    - currently
    - dare
    - day
    - diffidence
    - directly
    - ditto
    - do-it-yourself
    - end
    - equal
    - exam
    - fabric
    - fly
    - follow
    - fuck
    - fund
    - himself
    - itself
    - just
    - lay
    - level
    - likewise
    - maybe
    - middle
    - millionaire
    - myself
    - need
    - neither
    - now
    - number one
    - odds
    - one
    - oneself
    - only
    - outdo
    - overconfident
    - pace
    - par
    - presently
    - price
    - proper
    * * *
    mismo, -a
    1. [igual, idéntico] same;
    son del mismo pueblo they're from the same town/village;
    vive en la misma calle que yo she lives in the same street as me, she lives in my street;
    del mismo color/tipo que the same colour/type as
    2. [para enfatizar lugar, tiempo]
    en este mismo sitio in this very place;
    en aquel mismo momento at that very moment;
    delante de sus mismas narices right in front of his nose;
    eso mismo digo yo that's exactly what I say;
    y por eso mismo deberíamos ayudarles and that is precisely why we should help them
    3. [para reforzar pronombres]
    yo mismo I myself;
    ¿lo hiciste tú mismo? did you do it (by) yourself?;
    él mismo se construyó la casa he built his house (by) himself, he built his own house;
    me dije a mí mismo… I said to myself…;
    por mí/ti mismo by myself/yourself;
    ¡tú mismo! it's up to you!, suit yourself!
    1. [igual cosa o persona]
    el mismo/la misma the same;
    el pueblo ya no era el mismo the town was no longer the same;
    la misma del otro día the same one as the other day;
    el mismo que vi ayer the same one I saw yesterday;
    ¿ése es el presidente? – sí, el mismo (que viste y calza) is that the president? – yes, the very same o yes, that's him all right;
    enviamos un paquete a su oficina, mismo que no ha llegado a destino we sent a package to his office which didn't arrive o but it didn't arrive;
    estar en las mismas to be no further forward
    lo mismo [igual cosa, iguales cosas] the same (thing);
    ¡qué aburrimiento, todos los días lo mismo! how boring, it's the same every day!;
    pónganos otra de lo mismo (the) same again, please;
    lo mismo se pone a hablar contigo que no te saluda one day he might start chatting to you and the next he won't even say hello;
    lo mismo que the same as;
    me gusta lo mismo que a él I like the same things as him;
    yo tengo mis manías, lo mismo que todo el mundo I've got my idiosyncrasies just like everyone else;
    lloraba lo mismo que un niño she was crying like a child;
    me da lo mismo it's all the same to me, I don't mind o care;
    ¿vamos o nos quedamos? – da lo mismo should we go or should we stay? – it doesn't make any difference;
    me da lo mismo I don't care;
    lo mismo digo [como respuesta] likewise, you too;
    más de lo mismo more of the same;
    o lo que es lo mismo [en otras palabras] or in other words;
    por lo mismo for that (very) reason
    3. [tal vez]
    lo mismo llegamos y ya no hay entradas it's quite possible that we might arrive there and find there are no tickets left;
    lo mismo está enfermo maybe o perhaps he's ill, he may be ill;
    lo mismo te saluda que te ignora por completo he's just as likely to say hello to you as to ignore you completely
    4. [antes mencionado]
    hay una cripta y un túnel para acceder a la misma there is a crypt and a tunnel leading to it
    5. RP Fam
    lo mismo [igualmente] still;
    le dije que se callara y lo mismo siguió hablando I told him to be quiet but he still carried on talking o he carried on talking all the same;
    está nevando pero lo mismo el avión va a salir it's snowing but the plane is still going to take off
    1. [para enfatizar]
    lo vi desde mi casa mismo I saw it from my own house;
    ahora/aquí mismo right now/here;
    ayer mismo only yesterday;
    salimos hoy mismo we are leaving this very day;
    llegarán mañana mismo they'll be arriving tomorrow, actually;
    tiene que estar listo para mañana mismo it absolutely has to be ready by tomorrow;
    por eso mismo precisely for that reason
    2. [por ejemplo]
    escoge uno cualquiera, este mismo choose any one, this one, for instance;
    ¿y ahora quién me arregla a mí esto? – yo mismo who's going to fix this for me now? – I will o I'll do it (myself)
    * * *
    I adj same;
    el mismo the (self)same;
    lo mismo the same;
    lo mismo que the same as;
    yo mismo I myself;
    da lo mismo it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same;
    me da lo mismo I don’t care, it’s all the same to me;
    el mismo rey the king himself
    II adv
    aquí mismo right here;
    ahí mismo right there;
    ahora mismo right now, this very minute;
    hoy mismo today, this very day;
    lo mismo llueve que hace sol you never know whether it’s going to be rainy or sunny
    * * *
    mismo adv, (used as an intensifier) : right, exactly
    hazlo ahora mismo: do it right now
    te llamará hoy mismo: he'll definitely call you today
    mismo, -ma adj
    1) : same
    en ese mismo momento: at that very moment
    3) : oneself
    lo hizo ella misma: she made it herself
    por lo mismo : for that reason
    * * *
    mismo1 adj
    1. (igual) same
    2. (uso enfático) myself, yourself, etc
    mismo2 adv
    mismo3 pron same person

    Spanish-English dictionary > mismo

  • 12 loco

    1 crazy, cracked, batty, crazed.
    2 crazy.
    madman, crackpot, crazy person, head case.
    * * *
    1 (gen) mad, crazy, insane
    2 (muy ocupado) terribly busy
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lunatic, insane person
    a lo loco any old how
    como un,-a loco,-a like mad
    estar loco,-a de alegría to be over the moon
    estar loco,-a por alguien to be mad about somebody
    hacer el loco to act wild
    hacerse el/la loco,-a to pretend to know nothing, act dumb
    ¡ni loco,-a! no way!
    volver loco,-a a alguien to drive somebody crazy, drive somebody mad
    volverse loco,-a to go mad
    loco,-a de remate stark raving mad
    * * *
    1. (f. - loca)
    crazy, mad
    2. (f. - loca)
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no cuerdo) mad, crazy

    ¿estás loco? — are you mad o crazy?

    no seas loco, eso es muy arriesgado — don't be stupid, that's very risky

    una brújula locaa compass whose needle no longer points north

    estaba loco de alegríahe was mad o wild with joy

    andar o estar loco con algo — (=preocupado) to be worried to death about sth; (=contento) to be crazy about sth

    está loco por algn/algo, está loco por esa chica — he's mad o crazy about that girl

    anda o está loca por irse a Inglaterra — she's mad keen to go to England

    tener o traer loco a algn, este asunto me tiene o trae loco — this business is driving me crazy

    volver loco a algn — to drive sb mad, drive sb round the bend

    volverse loco — to go insane, go mad

    2) (=frenético) hectic
    3) * (=enorme)
    SM / F lunatic, madman/madwoman

    el loco de César se ha comprado otro cochethat lunatic o madman César has bought another car

    correr como un loco — to run like mad

    gritar como un loco — to shout like a madman, shout one's head off

    hacerse el loco — to act the fool

    es un loco perdidohe's stark raving mad

    ponerse como un loco — to start acting like a madman/madwoman

    SM Chile abalone, false abalone
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.
    Ex. Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
    Ex. Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex. Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex. Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex. It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex. When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex. Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex. Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex. The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex. This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex. The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex. This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex. Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex. Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex. The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex. 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex. Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex. Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex. A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex. He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex. This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex. Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex. The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex. He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex. Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex. I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex. ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.

    Ex: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

    Ex: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex: Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex: It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex: Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex: Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex: The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex: This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex: Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex: 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex: Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex: A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex: He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex: This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex: Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex: The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex: He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex: ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).

    * * *
    loco1 -ca
    1 ( Med, Psic) mad, insane
    2 (chiflado) crazy ( colloq), nuts ( colloq), mad ( BrE colloq)
    este tipo está medio loco ( fam); this guy's not all there ( colloq), this guy's a bit cracked ( colloq)
    ¡pero ustedes están or ( AmL) son locos! you must be crazy o mad o insane o out of your mind! ( colloq)
    no seas loco, te vas a matar don't be so stupid o foolish, you'll kill yourself
    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that, nothing in the world would make me do that o induce me to do that
    ¿disculparme yo? ¡ni (que estuviera) loco! what, me apologize? not in a million years o no way o never!
    llenó el formulario a lo loco she completed the form any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how ( colloq)
    gasta dinero a lo loco he spends money like water o like there's no tomorrow
    estar loco de remate or de atar ( fam); to be stark raving o stark staring mad, to be nutty as a fruitcake ( colloq), to be completely nuts ( colloq), to be mad as a hatter ( BrE)
    traer or tener loco a algn ( Esp); to be driving sb mad o crazy o up the wall o round the bend ( colloq)
    volver loco a algn to drive sb mad o crazy ( colloq)
    vuelve locos a los hombres she drives men wild ( colloq)
    el chocolate me vuelve loca I adore chocolate, I'm a chocolate addict ( colloq)
    volverse loco to go mad
    este desorden es para volverse loco this mess is enough to drive you crazy ( colloq)
    (contento, entusiasmado): están locos con el nieto they're besotted with o crazy about their grandchild
    está loca por él she's mad o crazy o wild about him ( colloq)
    está loco por verla/por que le presenten a Laura he's dying o ( BrE) mad keen to see her/to be introduced to Laura ( colloq)
    es loco por las aceitunas (CS); he's crazy about o mad on olives ( colloq)
    4 ( fam) (preocupado) worried sick ( colloq)
    anda (como) loco con las pruebas he's worried sick about the tests
    (indicando gran cantidad): tengo unas ganas locas de verla I'm really looking forward to seeing her, I'm dying to see her ( colloq)
    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    la obra tuvo un éxito loco the play was hugely successful
    tienen la guita loca ( RPl arg); they're rolling in it ( colloq), they're absolutely loaded ( colloq)
    2 loco DE algo:
    estaba loca de alegría or de contenta she was incredibly happy, she was over the moon ( BrE colloq)
    está loco de ira/celos he's wild with anger/jealousy
    estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain
    está loca de amor por él she's madly in love with him
    (CS fam) (indicando poca cantidad): por cuatro clientes locos que puedan venir, no vamos a abrir it's not worth opening up just for a few odd customers
    loco2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    A (enfermo mental) ( masculine) madman; ( feminine) madwoman
    se puso como un loco al oír la noticia he went crazy o mad when he heard the news
    maneja or ( Esp) conduce como un loco he drives like a madman o lunatic
    corrimos como locos para alcanzar el autobús ( fam); we ran like crazy o mad to catch the bus ( colloq)
    gritaba como una loca she was shouting like a madwoman, she was shouting her head off ( colloq)
    ¡qué desorganización, esto es de locos! what chaos! this is pure o sheer madness!
    el loco de Javier se ha venido a pie Javier walked here, madman that he is
    hoy en día hay mucho loco suelto ( fam); there are a lot of loonies o nutcases o weirdos about these days ( colloq)
    cada loco con su tema ( fam); to each his own, each to his own ( BrE)
    ahora le ha dado por el budismocada loco con su tema she's into Buddhism now — oh well, each to his own o ( colloq) whatever turns you on
    hacer el loco ( Chi fam); to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el loco to act dumb ( colloq)
    no te hagas el loco don't act dumb, don't pretend you haven't seen/heard
    la loca de la casa ( liter); the imagination
    loco masculine ( Chi) ( Zool) abalone
    loco masculine ( RPl arg) (hombre) guy ( colloq), bloke ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    loco 1
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane

    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq);

    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that;
    hacer algo a lo loco to do sth any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq);
    estar loco de remate (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq);
    tener or (Esp) traer loco a algn to be driving sb crazy (colloq);
    volver loco a algn to drive sb crazy (colloq);
    volverse loco to go mad

    está loco por volver he's dying to come back (colloq)
    d) (fam) ( ajetreado):

    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    f) estar loco de algo: ‹de entusiasmo/furia/celos› to be wild with sth;

    de dolor/remordimiento› to be racked with sth;

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( enfermo mental) (m) madman;
    (f) madwoman;
    se puso como un loco he went crazy o mad;

    corrimos como locos (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq);
    hacerse el loco to act dumb (colloq)
    loco 2 sustantivo masculino (Chi) (Zool) abalone
    I adjetivo
    1 mad, crazy
    volverse loco, to lose one's mind o to go mad
    2 (deseoso) estoy loco por ir a París, I'm eager to travel to Paris
    3 (entusiasmado) está loca de alegría, she's thrilled
    está loco por las motos, he's crazy about motorbikes
    II m,f (hombre) madman, (mujer) madwoman
    ♦ Locuciones: hacerse el loco, to act the fool
    familiar ¡ni loco!, I'd sooner die!
    familiar traer/volver loco a alguien, to drive sb crazy
    a lo loco, crazily

    ' loco' also found in these entries:
    - chiflada
    - chiflado
    - conforme
    - enajenar
    - enajenarse
    - estragos
    - hormigueo
    - ida
    - ido
    - loc. cit.
    - loca
    - tema
    - tocada
    - tocado
    - trastocarse
    - trastornar
    - volver
    - volverse
    - carro
    - maniaco
    - perdido
    - poner
    - rayado
    - rayar
    - rematado
    - away
    - bend
    - berserk
    - beside
    - bit
    - bonkers
    - certifiable
    - change over
    - cracker
    - crazy
    - cuckoo
    - delirious
    - demented
    - drive
    - gaga
    - head
    - hijack
    - insane
    - loony
    - lunatic
    - mad
    - madly
    - madman
    - maniac
    - mind
    - moon
    - nut
    - nuts
    - nutter
    - nutty
    - parched
    - potshot
    - rampage
    - raving
    - roadhog
    - send
    - some
    - something
    - stark
    - wall
    - wild
    - wildly
    - wind up
    - wit
    - bumper car
    - cracked
    - fear
    - flap
    - go
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. [demente] mad, crazy;
    volver loco a alguien [enajenar, aturdir] to drive sb mad;
    esos martillazos en la pared me van a volver loco that hammering on the wall is driving me mad;
    el dolor lo volvía loco the pain was driving him mad;
    volverse loco to go mad;
    este niño me trae loco this child is driving me mad;
    estar loco de atar o [m5] de remate to be stark raving mad;
    ¡ni loco! (absolutely) no way!;
    ¡no lo haría ni loco! there's no way you'd get me doing that!
    2. [insensato] mad, crazy;
    no seas loca, es muy peligroso don't be (so) stupid, it's very dangerous;
    está medio loco pero es muy simpático he's a bit crazy, but he's very nice with it;
    a lo loco [sin pensar] hastily;
    [temerariamente] wildly;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja a lo loco he drives like a madman
    3. [apasionado, entusiasmado] mad, crazy;
    la abuela está loca con su nieto the grandmother's mad o crazy about her grandson;
    estar loco de contento/pasión to be wild with joy/passion;
    estar loco de amor to be madly in love;
    estar loco de celos to be wildly o insanely jealous;
    estar loco de ira to be raging mad;
    estar o CSur [m5]ser loco por algo/alguien to be mad about sth/sb;
    está o CSur [m5] es loco por ella [enamorado] he's madly in love with her, he's crazy about her;
    está loca por conocerte she's dying to meet you;
    está (como) loco por que lleguen los invitados he's desperate for the guests to arrive, he can't wait for the guests to arrive;
    le vuelve loco el fútbol he's mad about soccer o Br football, he's soccer-crazy o Br football-crazy;
    la vuelve loca la paella she absolutely adores paella
    4. [muy ajetreado] mad, hectic;
    llevamos una semana loca it's been a mad week for us
    5. [enorme]
    tengo unas ganas locas de conocer Italia I'm absolutely dying to go to Italy;
    tuvimos una suerte loca we were extraordinarily o amazingly lucky;
    RP Fam
    tener la guita loca to be rolling in it
    6. RP Fam [insignificante]
    sólo van a venir tres o cuatro invitados locos only a handful of guests will show up;
    no nos vamos a pelear por dos pesos locos let's not quarrel over a few measly pesos
    1. [enfermo] [hombre] lunatic, madman;
    [mujer] lunatic, madwoman;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja como un loco he drives like a madman;
    corrimos como locos we ran like mad o crazy;
    el loco de tu marido se puso a chillar that madman husband of yours started shouting;
    ponerse como un loco [enfadarse] to go mad;
    sería de locos empezar de nuevo todo el trabajo it would be crazy o madness to start the whole job over again;
    ¡deja de hacer el loco! stop messing around!;
    cada loco con su tema: ya está otra vez Santi con lo del yoga, cada loco con su tema Santi's going on about yoga again, the man's obsessed!;
    hacerse el loco to play dumb, to pretend not to understand
    2. RP, Ven Fam [como apelativo]
    este loco se encarga de todo this guy's in charge of everything;
    loco, vení para acá come over here, Br mate o US buddy
    3. Chile [molusco comestible] false abalone
    * * *
    I adj mad, crazy;
    a lo loco fam ( sin pensar) hastily;
    es para volverse loco it’s enough to drive you mad o crazy;
    remate completely mad;
    estar loco de alegría be insanely happy;
    estar loco por alguien be mad o crazy about s.o.
    II m
    1 madman;
    cada loco con su tema each to his own;
    hacer el loco make a fool of o.s.
    loco, ayudame help me, pal
    * * *
    loco, -ca adj
    1) demente: crazy, insane, mad
    a lo loco : wildly, recklessly
    volverse loco : to go mad
    loco, -ca n
    1) : crazy person, lunatic
    hacerse el loco : to act the fool
    * * *
    loco1 adj crazy [comp. crazier; superl. craziest] / mad [comp. madder; superl. maddest]
    loco2 n lunatic

    Spanish-English dictionary > loco

  • 13 más

    * * *
    1 but
    * * *
    * * *
    CONJ but
    * * *
    conjunción (liter) but
    * * *
    = extra, more, plus, topmost [top most].
    Ex. Each step of subdivision involves an extra character (see below).
    Ex. The command function 'MORE' is used to request the system to display more information, for instance to continue the alphabetical display of terms.
    Ex. All of these (except PREVIOUS and NEXT), plus some additional commands are also available from the Command Menu.
    Ex. A list of the topmost cited papers of the Proceedings is presented.
    * acercarse aun más = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * acercarse más aun = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * ahora más que nunca = now more than ever.
    * alcanzar cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights.
    * algo más = anything else.
    * algunos años más tarde = some years on.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.
    * aún más = Verbo + further, even further, all the more, further, furthermore, beyond that, a fortiori.
    * bastante más = rather more.
    * cada vez más = ever-growing, ever-increasing, increasingly, more and more, progressively, ever more, mushrooming, ever greater, in increasing numbers, increasing.
    * cada vez más abultado = swelling.
    * cada vez más alto = constantly rising, steadily rising, steadily growing.
    * cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.
    * cada vez más estricto = tightening.
    * cada vez más extendido = spreading.
    * cada vez más fácil = ever easier.
    * cada vez más lejos = further and further.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * cada vez más tenue = fading.
    * cada vez más viejo = aging [ageing].
    * citado más arriba = above.
    * con el más sumo cuidado = with utmost care.
    * con más antigüedad = longest-serving.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con más frecuencia = most frequently.
    * con más razón aún = a fortiori.
    * con más vigor aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más virulencia aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más vitalidad = revitalised [revitalized, -USA].
    * con un filo más pronunciado = sharper-edged.
    * correr más deprisa que = outrun [out-run].
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * cuanto más = all the more so, all the more, a fortiori.
    * cuanto más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * cuya fecha se anunciará más adelante = at a time to be announced later.
    * cuya fecha se determinará más adelante = at a time to be determined later.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way .
    * de lo más = very.
    * de lo más + Adjetivo = most + Adjetivo.
    * demandar cada vez más enérgicamente = build + pressure, build + pressure.
    * de más = extra, one too many.
    * de más arriba = topmost [top most].
    * desarrollar aun más = develop + further.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the.
    * distanciar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.
    * durar más que = outlive.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * enfrascado en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * enfrascarse en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * en lo más mínimo = not in the least + Nombre Negativo.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en más de un sentido = in more ways than one.
    * en su forma más básica = at its most basic.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en su punto más álgido = at its height.
    * en su punto más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en tiempos más recientes = in more recent times.
    * en un futuro más o menos cercano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un período más o menos lejano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * examen más minucioso = closer examination.
    * examinar más detenidamente = look + closer, take + a closer look at, take + a close look.
    * examinar más minuciosamente = examine + in greater detail.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.
    * ganar cada vez más importancia = go from + strength to strength.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * haber todavía más = there + be + more to it than that.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hacerse cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * hacerse más complejo = grow in + complexity, gain in + complexity.
    * hacerse más corto = grow + shorter.
    * hacerse más fuerte = gain in + strength, grow in + strength.
    * hacerse más inteligente = smarten up.
    * herir en lo más profundo = cut to + the heart of, cut to + the quick.
    * horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.
    * incluso yendo más lejos = even farther afield.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * ley del más fuerte, la = law of the jungle, the, survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * lista de más populares = chart.
    * lista de más vendidos = chart.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llevar aún más lejos = carry + one step further.
    * llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, most of all, more importantly, most important.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * más acomodados, los = better off, the.
    * más adelante = later, further along, later on, in due time, at a later date.
    * más afilado que una navaja = as sharp as a knife.
    * más afilado que un cuchillo = as sharp as a knife.
    * más alegre que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.
    * más alejado = further afield, furthest away.
    * más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.
    * más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.
    * más allá de cualquier duda = beyond any doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de eso = beyond that.
    * más allá de la obligación = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá del deber = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * más anunciado = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más apreciado = long-cherished.
    * más aun = nay, beyond that, furthermore.
    * más bien = if you like, instead.
    * más bien bajo = shortish.
    * más bien corto = shortish.
    * más bien pequeño = smallish.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más borracho que una cuba = as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a newt, as drunk as a skunk.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más cerca de = more nearly.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más complejo de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más complicado de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * más concretamente = more to the point.
    * más conocido = best known, best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA], mainstream.
    * más conocido como = better known as.
    * más contento que unas castañuela = as happy as Larry.
    * más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más corto que las mangas de una chaleco = as daft as a brush.
    * más corto que las mangas de un chaleco = as thick as two (short) planks, as shy as shy can be, as thick as a brick, knucklehead.
    * más débil de la camada, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más débil del grupo, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad, over + Cantidad, more than + Cantidad, upwards of + Cantidad.
    * más del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * más de la mayoría de los + Nombre = more than most + Nombre.
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * más demandado = most demanded.
    * más dentro = further into.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * más de una vez = more than once.
    * más de un ISBN = more than one ISBN.
    * más de un millón = million-plus.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * más difundido = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más duradero = longer-lasting.
    * más duro que la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más duro que una piedra = as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más exactamente = more nearly.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * más frío que el mármol = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que la nieve = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que un témpano (de hielo) = as cold as ice.
    * más fuerte que un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * más fuerte que un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * más granado de la sociedad, lo = cream of society, the.
    * más grande = greater.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más importante = foremost.
    * más importante aun = more significantly.
    * más información = further information, further details.
    * más íntimo = innermost.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * más lejos = further afield, further away, furthest away.
    * más meridional = southernmost.
    * más necesitado = most in need.
    * más occidental = westernmost.
    * más o menos = more or less, of a sort, or so, of sorts, after a fashion, round about, roughly speaking, give or take, ballpark.
    * más o menos + Adverbio = relatively + Adverbio.
    * más o menos cuadrado = squarish.
    * más perdedor = losingest.
    * más perenne = longer-lasting.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * más prestigioso = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * más profundo = innermost.
    * más que = more... than..., rather than.
    * más que antes = more than ever, more... than ever before, more than ever before.
    * más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.
    * más quemado que la pipa (de) un indio = completely burned-out, totally burned-out.
    * más que muerto = dead and buried.
    * más que nada = more than anything else.
    * más que ninguna otra cosa = beyond all else.
    * más que nunca = more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que nunca antes = more... than ever before, more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * más recientemente = in more recent times, more recently.
    * más recóndito = innermost.
    * más secreto = innermost.
    * más septentrional = northernmost.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más sincero + Nombre = deeply felt + Nombre.
    * más sordo que una tapia = as deaf as a post.
    * más suave que el terciopelo = as soft as velvet.
    * más suave que la seda = as soft as silk.
    * más tarde = later on.
    * más tarde o más temprano = sooner or later, at one time or another.
    * más todavía = all the more so.
    * más usado = most heavily used.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * más valorado = highly valued.
    * más vendido = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * más veterano, el = seniormost, the.
    * más viejo que Matusalén = as old as Methuselah, as old as the hills, as old as the hills.
    * más votado = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * menos blandeces y más mano dura = less of the carrot, more of the stick.
    * meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * metido en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miseria más absoluta = abject poverty.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * muchísimo más = a whole lot more, an awful lot more.
    * muchísimo más + Adjetivo = infinitely + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * nada + estar + más apartado de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada más = anything else, nothing else.
    * nada más y nada menos = as much as + Expresión Numérica.
    * nada más y nada menos que = in the order of + Cantidad, nothing less than.
    * nada más y nada menos que de = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * nada más y nada menos que + Número = as many as + Número.
    * nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad = nothing can be further from the truth.
    * nadie más = nobody else.
    * ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * Nombre + más o menos = Nombre + of sorts.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no saber qué más hacer = be at + Posesivo + wit's end.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * Número + de más = Número + too many.
    * Número + veces más = Número + times as many.
    * Número + veces más de = Número + times the number of.
    * nunca más = never again.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * optar por la solución más fácil = take + the easy way out.
    * otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * pagar más de lo que se debería = overpay.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * ¡por lo más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * presupuesto cada vez más pequeño = shrinking budget.
    * pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * qué más = what else.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * ¿quién más...? = who else...?.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * redondear al número entero más cercano = round up to + the nearest whole number.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.
    * sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.
    * sentirse más seguro de = gain + confidence (with/in).
    * separar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser nada más y nada menos que = be nothing less than.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * signo más (+) = addition sign (+), plus sign (+).
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sino más bien = rather.
    * sino (que) más bien = but rather.
    * supervivencia del más fuerte = survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * término más específico = narrower term.
    * todavía más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una pieza más en la organización = a cog in the wheel.
    * una vez más = again, yet again.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre, not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de mas = one too many.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * uno más de tantos en la organización = a cog in the machine.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * véase + Nombre + para más información = refer to + Nombre + for details.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venderse más que = outsell.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * y más adelante = and beyond.
    * y más allá = and beyond.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.
    * y unos cuantos más = and a few others.
    * * *
    conjunción (liter) but
    * * *
    = extra, more, plus, topmost [top most].

    Ex: Each step of subdivision involves an extra character (see below).

    Ex: The command function 'MORE' is used to request the system to display more information, for instance to continue the alphabetical display of terms.
    Ex: All of these (except PREVIOUS and NEXT), plus some additional commands are also available from the Command Menu.
    Ex: A list of the topmost cited papers of the Proceedings is presented.
    * acercarse aun más = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * acercarse más aun = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * ahora más que nunca = now more than ever.
    * alcanzar cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights.
    * algo más = anything else.
    * algunos años más tarde = some years on.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.
    * aún más = Verbo + further, even further, all the more, further, furthermore, beyond that, a fortiori.
    * bastante más = rather more.
    * cada vez más = ever-growing, ever-increasing, increasingly, more and more, progressively, ever more, mushrooming, ever greater, in increasing numbers, increasing.
    * cada vez más abultado = swelling.
    * cada vez más alto = constantly rising, steadily rising, steadily growing.
    * cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.
    * cada vez más estricto = tightening.
    * cada vez más extendido = spreading.
    * cada vez más fácil = ever easier.
    * cada vez más lejos = further and further.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * cada vez más tenue = fading.
    * cada vez más viejo = aging [ageing].
    * citado más arriba = above.
    * con el más sumo cuidado = with utmost care.
    * con más antigüedad = longest-serving.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con más frecuencia = most frequently.
    * con más razón aún = a fortiori.
    * con más vigor aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más virulencia aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más vitalidad = revitalised [revitalized, -USA].
    * con un filo más pronunciado = sharper-edged.
    * correr más deprisa que = outrun [out-run].
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * cuanto más = all the more so, all the more, a fortiori.
    * cuanto más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * cuya fecha se anunciará más adelante = at a time to be announced later.
    * cuya fecha se determinará más adelante = at a time to be determined later.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way.
    * de lo más = very.
    * de lo más + Adjetivo = most + Adjetivo.
    * demandar cada vez más enérgicamente = build + pressure, build + pressure.
    * de más = extra, one too many.
    * de más arriba = topmost [top most].
    * desarrollar aun más = develop + further.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the.
    * distanciar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.
    * durar más que = outlive.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * enfrascado en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * enfrascarse en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * en lo más mínimo = not in the least + Nombre Negativo.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en más de un sentido = in more ways than one.
    * en su forma más básica = at its most basic.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en su punto más álgido = at its height.
    * en su punto más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en tiempos más recientes = in more recent times.
    * en un futuro más o menos cercano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un período más o menos lejano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * examen más minucioso = closer examination.
    * examinar más detenidamente = look + closer, take + a closer look at, take + a close look.
    * examinar más minuciosamente = examine + in greater detail.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.
    * ganar cada vez más importancia = go from + strength to strength.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * haber todavía más = there + be + more to it than that.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hacerse cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * hacerse más complejo = grow in + complexity, gain in + complexity.
    * hacerse más corto = grow + shorter.
    * hacerse más fuerte = gain in + strength, grow in + strength.
    * hacerse más inteligente = smarten up.
    * herir en lo más profundo = cut to + the heart of, cut to + the quick.
    * horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.
    * incluso yendo más lejos = even farther afield.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * ley del más fuerte, la = law of the jungle, the, survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * lista de más populares = chart.
    * lista de más vendidos = chart.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llevar aún más lejos = carry + one step further.
    * llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, most of all, more importantly, most important.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * más acomodados, los = better off, the.
    * más adelante = later, further along, later on, in due time, at a later date.
    * más afilado que una navaja = as sharp as a knife.
    * más afilado que un cuchillo = as sharp as a knife.
    * más alegre que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.
    * más alejado = further afield, furthest away.
    * más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.
    * más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.
    * más allá de cualquier duda = beyond any doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de eso = beyond that.
    * más allá de la obligación = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá del deber = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * más anunciado = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más apreciado = long-cherished.
    * más aun = nay, beyond that, furthermore.
    * más bien = if you like, instead.
    * más bien bajo = shortish.
    * más bien corto = shortish.
    * más bien pequeño = smallish.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más borracho que una cuba = as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a newt, as drunk as a skunk.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más cerca de = more nearly.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más complejo de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más complicado de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * más concretamente = more to the point.
    * más conocido = best known, best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA], mainstream.
    * más conocido como = better known as.
    * más contento que unas castañuela = as happy as Larry.
    * más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más corto que las mangas de una chaleco = as daft as a brush.
    * más corto que las mangas de un chaleco = as thick as two (short) planks, as shy as shy can be, as thick as a brick, knucklehead.
    * más débil de la camada, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más débil del grupo, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad, over + Cantidad, more than + Cantidad, upwards of + Cantidad.
    * más del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * más de la mayoría de los + Nombre = more than most + Nombre.
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * más demandado = most demanded.
    * más dentro = further into.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * más de una vez = more than once.
    * más de un ISBN = more than one ISBN.
    * más de un millón = million-plus.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * más difundido = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más duradero = longer-lasting.
    * más duro que la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más duro que una piedra = as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más exactamente = more nearly.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * más frío que el mármol = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que la nieve = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que un témpano (de hielo) = as cold as ice.
    * más fuerte que un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * más fuerte que un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * más granado de la sociedad, lo = cream of society, the.
    * más grande = greater.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más importante = foremost.
    * más importante aun = more significantly.
    * más información = further information, further details.
    * más íntimo = innermost.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * más lejos = further afield, further away, furthest away.
    * más meridional = southernmost.
    * más necesitado = most in need.
    * más occidental = westernmost.
    * más o menos = more or less, of a sort, or so, of sorts, after a fashion, round about, roughly speaking, give or take, ballpark.
    * más o menos + Adverbio = relatively + Adverbio.
    * más o menos cuadrado = squarish.
    * más perdedor = losingest.
    * más perenne = longer-lasting.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * más prestigioso = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * más profundo = innermost.
    * más que = more... than..., rather than.
    * más que antes = more than ever, more... than ever before, more than ever before.
    * más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.
    * más quemado que la pipa (de) un indio = completely burned-out, totally burned-out.
    * más que muerto = dead and buried.
    * más que nada = more than anything else.
    * más que ninguna otra cosa = beyond all else.
    * más que nunca = more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que nunca antes = more... than ever before, more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * más recientemente = in more recent times, more recently.
    * más recóndito = innermost.
    * más secreto = innermost.
    * más septentrional = northernmost.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más sincero + Nombre = deeply felt + Nombre.
    * más sordo que una tapia = as deaf as a post.
    * más suave que el terciopelo = as soft as velvet.
    * más suave que la seda = as soft as silk.
    * más tarde = later on.
    * más tarde o más temprano = sooner or later, at one time or another.
    * más todavía = all the more so.
    * más usado = most heavily used.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * más valorado = highly valued.
    * más vendido = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * más veterano, el = seniormost, the.
    * más viejo que Matusalén = as old as Methuselah, as old as the hills, as old as the hills.
    * más votado = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * menos blandeces y más mano dura = less of the carrot, more of the stick.
    * meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * metido en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miseria más absoluta = abject poverty.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * muchísimo más = a whole lot more, an awful lot more.
    * muchísimo más + Adjetivo = infinitely + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * nada + estar + más apartado de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada más = anything else, nothing else.
    * nada más y nada menos = as much as + Expresión Numérica.
    * nada más y nada menos que = in the order of + Cantidad, nothing less than.
    * nada más y nada menos que de = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * nada más y nada menos que + Número = as many as + Número.
    * nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad = nothing can be further from the truth.
    * nadie más = nobody else.
    * ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * Nombre + más o menos = Nombre + of sorts.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no saber qué más hacer = be at + Posesivo + wit's end.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * Número + de más = Número + too many.
    * Número + veces más = Número + times as many.
    * Número + veces más de = Número + times the number of.
    * nunca más = never again.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * optar por la solución más fácil = take + the easy way out.
    * otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * pagar más de lo que se debería = overpay.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * ¡por lo más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * presupuesto cada vez más pequeño = shrinking budget.
    * pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * qué más = what else.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * ¿quién más...? = who else...?.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * redondear al número entero más cercano = round up to + the nearest whole number.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.
    * sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.
    * sentirse más seguro de = gain + confidence (with/in).
    * separar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser nada más y nada menos que = be nothing less than.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * signo más (+) = addition sign (+), plus sign (+).
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sino más bien = rather.
    * sino (que) más bien = but rather.
    * supervivencia del más fuerte = survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * término más específico = narrower term.
    * todavía más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una pieza más en la organización = a cog in the wheel.
    * una vez más = again, yet again.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre, not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de mas = one too many.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * uno más de tantos en la organización = a cog in the machine.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * véase + Nombre + para más información = refer to + Nombre + for details.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venderse más que = outsell.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * y más adelante = and beyond.
    * y más allá = and beyond.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.
    * y unos cuantos más = and a few others.

    * * *
    A (en Col) = Muerte a Secuestradores
    B (en Ven) = Movimiento al Socialismo
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    mas conjunción (liter) but
    más adverbio

    ¿tiene algo más barato/moderno? do you have anything cheaper/more modern;

    duran más they last longer;
    me gusta más sin azúcar I prefer it without sugar;
    ahora la vemos más we see more of her now;
    tendrás que estudiar más you'll have to study harder;
    más lejos/atrás further away/back;
    el más allá the other world;
    más que nunca more than ever;
    me gusta más el vino seco que el dulce I prefer dry wine to sweet, I like dry wine better than sweet;
    pesa más de lo que parece it's heavier than it looks;
    es más complicado de lo que tú crees it's more complicated than you think;
    eran más de las cinco it was after five o'clock;
    más de 30 more than 30, over 30

    2 ( superlativo):
    la más bonita/la más inteligente the prettiest/the most intelligent;

    el que más sabe the one who knows most;
    el que más me gusta the one I like best;
    estuvo de lo más divertido it was great fun
    3 ( en frases negativas):

    nadie más que ella nobody but her;
    no tengo más que esto this is all I have;
    no tuve más remedio I had no alternative;
    no juego más I'm not playing any more;
    nunca más never again
    4 ( con valor ponderativo):
    ¡cantó más bien…! she sang so well!;

    ¡qué cosa más rara! how strange!
    ■ adjetivo invariable
    1 ( comparativo) more;

    una vez más once more;
    ni un minuto más not a minute longer;
    hoy hace más calor it's warmer today;
    son más que nosotros there are more of them than us
    2 ( superlativo) most;

    las más de las veces more often than not
    3 ( con valor ponderativo):
    ¡me da más rabia …! it makes me so mad!;

    ¡tiene más amigos …! he has so many friends!
    ¿qué más? what else?;

    nada/nadie más nothing/nobody else;
    algo/alguien más something/somebody else;
    ¿quién más vino? who else came?;
    ¿algo más? — nada más gracias anything else? — no, that's all, thank you
    ■ pronombre
    1 more;
    ¿te sirvo más? would you like some more?

    2 ( en locs)

    a más no poder: corrimos a más no poder we ran as fast o hard as we could;
    a más tardar at the latest;
    cuanto más at the most;
    de más: ¿tienes un lápiz de más? do you have a spare pencil?;
    me dio cinco dólares de más he gave me five dollars too much;
    no está de más repetirlo there's no harm in repeating it;
    es más in fact;
    más bien ( un poco) rather;
    más o menos ( aproximadamente) more or less;

    ( no muy bien) so-so;

    no más See Also→ nomás;
    por más: por más que llores however much you cry;
    por más que trataba however hard he tried;
    ¿qué más da? what does it matter?;
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    ■ preposición
    a) (Mat) ( en sumas) plus;

    8+7 =15 (read as: ocho más siete (es) igual (a) quince) eight plus seven equals fifteen

    mil pesos, más los gastos a thousand pesos, plus expenses

    ■ sustantivo masculino
    plus sign
    mas conj frml but: sé que es difícil, mas no debes darte por vencido, I know it's hard, but you musn't give up
    I adverbio & pron
    1 (aumento) more: necesito comprar más, I need to buy more
    me duele cada día más, it hurts more and more
    parte dos trozos más, cut two more pieces
    tendría que ser más barato, it should be cheaper
    asistieron más de cien personas, more than a hundred people attended
    (con pronombre interrogativo) else: ¿alguien más quiere repetir?, would anybody else like a second helping?
    (con pronombre indefinido) añádele algo más, add something else
    no sé nada más, I don't know anything else
    2 (comparación) more: es más complicado que el primero, it's more complicated than the first one
    eres más guapa que ella, you are prettier than her
    3 (superlativo) most: ella es la más divertida, she's the funniest
    lo más extraño del mundo, the strangest thing in the world
    4 (otra vez) no me llames más, que estoy trabajando, don't call me again, I'm busy
    no volví a verlo más, I never saw him again
    5 (sobre todo) debiste llamar, y más sabiendo que estoy sola, you should have phoned me, especially knowing I'm alone
    6 (otro) no tengo más cuchillo que éste, I have no other knife but this one
    7 exclamación so..., such a..., what a...!
    ¡está más pesado!, he's such a pain!
    ¡qué cosa más fea!, what an ugly thing!
    II prep Mat plus
    dos más dos, two plus o and two ➣ Ver nota en sumar
    ♦ Locuciones: de más, (de sobra): su comentario estuvo de más, his remark was unnecessary
    ¿tienes unas medias de más?, do you have a spare pair of tights?
    más bien, rather
    más o menos, more or less
    por más que, (aunque): por más que lo leo no logro entenderlo, no matter how many times I read it, I can't understand it
    sin más (ni más), just like that
    todo lo más, at most
    Ten cuidado con las frases hechas del tipo más borracho que una cuba o más bueno que el pan. Se traducen empleando as... as...: as drunk as a lord o as good as gold.
    ' más' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abundar
    - acá
    - actualidad
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - aguantar
    - alargarse
    - algo
    - allá
    - alquilar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amarre
    - ámbito
    - amortizar
    - ampliar
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - antes
    - aparecer
    - arriba
    - arrimarse
    - aunque
    - avivar
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bastante
    - bien
    - bilis
    - bravucón
    - bravucona
    - bufido
    - cada
    - cargar
    - cerca
    - cerrarse
    - ciudad
    - colmo
    - comodidad
    - consolidar
    - consolidarse
    - construcción
    - contaminante
    - contestón
    - contestona
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - córcholis
    - aboard
    - about
    - above
    - acceptable
    - accomplished
    - ado
    - adopt
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advocate
    - afterwards
    - again
    - agree
    - agreeable
    - airport
    - all
    - along
    - aloud
    - alternative
    - always
    - ample
    - amplify
    - another
    - anticipate
    - antsy
    - anything
    - appropriate
    - arguable
    - art form
    - as
    - ask
    - awe-inspiring
    - barrel
    - basic
    - bat
    - become
    - begin
    - below
    - besides
    - best
    - better
    - beyond
    - big
    - bird
    - bit
    - bite
    - blue
    - bookshelf
    - boot
    * * *
    MAS [mas] nm (abrev de Movimiento al Socialismo)
    = left-wing political party in Argentina and Venezuela
    * * *
    conj but
    * * *
    mas conj
    pero: but
    más adv
    1) : more
    ¿hay algo más grande?: is there anything bigger?
    2) : most
    Luis es el más alto: Luis is the tallest
    3) : longer
    el sabor dura más: the flavor lasts longer
    4) : rather
    más querría andar: I would rather walk
    a mas : besides, in addition
    más allá : further
    qué... más... : what..., what a...
    ¡qué día más bonito!: what a beautiful day!
    más adj
    1) : more
    dáme dos kilos más: give me two more kilos
    2) : most
    la que ganó más dinero: the one who earned the most money
    3) : else
    ¿quién más quiere vino?: who else wants wine?
    más n
    : plus sign
    más prep
    : plus
    tres más dos es igual a cinco: three plus two equals five
    más pron
    1) : more
    ¿tienes más?: do you have more?
    a lo más : at most
    de mas : extra, excess
    más o menos : more or less, approximately
    por más que : no matter how much
    por más que corras no llegarás a tiempo: no matter how fast you run you won't arrive on time
    * * *
    más1 adv
    ¿quieres más arroz? do you want some more rice?
    ¿quién tiene más caramelos? who's got the most sweets?
    3. (con números, cantidades) more / over
    ¿quieres algo más? do you want anything else?
    ¿quién más estaba? who else was there?
    ¿nadie más? no one else?
    ¡qué casa más bonita! what a pretty house!
    ¡está más guapa! she's ever so pretty!
    de más (de sobra) spare / extra (demasiado) too much / too many
    más2 conj plus

    Spanish-English dictionary > más

  • 14 moltus

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > moltus

  • 15 multi

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > multi

  • 16 multus

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > multus

  • 17 plurimum

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > plurimum

  • 18 πολύς

    πολύς, πολλή, πολύ, gen. πολλοῦ, ῆς, οῦ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.) ‘much’.—Comparative πλείων, πλεῖον (18 times in the NT, 4 times in the Apost. Fathers [including Hv 3, 6, 4; Hs 8, 1, 16] and Ath. 12, 3) or πλέον (Lk 3:13 and Ac 15:28 μηδὲν πλέον; otherwise, πλέον in the NT only J 21:15; 14 times in the Apost. Fathers [incl. μηδὲν πλέον Hs 1, 1, 6]; Ar. twice; Just. 6 times; Tat. once; Ath. 7 times), ονος; pl. πλείονες, and acc. πλείονας contracted πλείους, neut. πλείονα and πλείω (the latter Mt 26:53 [πλεῖον, πλείου vv.ll.]; B-D-F §30, 2; Mlt-H. 82; Thackeray p. 81f; Mayser p. 68f) ‘more’ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX; TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27=Stone p. 70 [πλείον]; TestJob 35:2; TestGad 7:2 [πλεῖον]; AscIs 3:8; [πλέον]; EpArist; apolog. exc. Mel.).—Superlative πλεῖστος, η, ον ‘most’ (Hom.+).
    pert. to being a large number, many, a great number of
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj., preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun) in the pl. many, numerous δυνάμεις πολλαί many mighty deeds Mt 7:22b. δαιμονιζόμενοι πολλοί 8:16. Cp. vs. 30; 9:10; 13:17; 24:11; 27:52, 55; Mk 2:15a; 6:13; 12:41; Lk 4:25, 27; 7:21b; 10:24; J 10:32; 14:2; Ac 1:3; 2:43; 8:7b; 14:22; Ro 4:17f (Gen 17:5); 8:29; 12:4; 1 Cor 8:5ab; 11:30; 12:12a, 20; 1 Ti 6:12; 2 Ti 2:2; Hb 2:10; 1J 4:1; 2J 7; Rv 5:11; 9:9; 10:11; 1 Cl 55:3ab. ἔτη πολλά many years: Lk 12:19b (εἰς ἔτη π.); Ac 24:10 (ἐκ π. ἐτῶν); Ro 15:23 (ἀπὸ π. [v.l. ἱκανῶν] ἐτῶν).—αἱ ἁμαρτίαι αἱ πολλαί Lk 7:47a. αἱ εὐεργεσίαι αἱ π. 1 Cl 21:1.—πολλὰ καὶ βαρέα αἰτιώματα many serious charges Ac 25:7 (cp. Ps.-Pla., Sisyph. 1, 387a πολλά τε καὶ καλὰ πράγματα; B-D-F §442, 11; Rob. 655). πολλὰ καὶ ἄλλα σημεῖα J 20:30 (on the form X., Hell. 5, 4, 1 πολλὰ μὲν οὖν … καὶ ἄλλα λέγειν καὶ Ἑλληνικὰ καὶ βαρβαρικά; Dionys. Hal. 2, 67, 5; Ps.-Demetr. 142 πολλὰς κ. ἄλλας χάριτας; Jos., Ant. 3, 318; Tat. 38, 1. On the subject-matter Bultmann 540, 3; also Porphyr., Vi. Pyth. 28 after a miracle-story: μυρία δʼ ἕτερα θαυμαστότερα κ. θειότερα περὶ τἀνδρὸς … εἴρηται κτλ.).—ἄλλοι πολλοί many others IRo 10:1. ἄλλαι πολλαί Mk 15:41. ἄλλα πολλά (Jos., Bell. 6, 169, Ant. 9, 242; Just., D. 8, 1) J 21:25. ἕτεροι πολλοί Ac 15:35. ἕτερα πολλά (Jos., Vi. 39) Lk 22:65.—Predicative: πολλοί εἰσιν οἱ ἐισερχόμενοι Mt 7:13.—Mk 5:9; 6:31; Gal 4:27 (Is 54:1). AcPl Ha 5, 16.—οὐ πολλοί not many=( only) a few οὐ πολλαὶ ἡμέραι (Jos., Ant. 5, 328, Vi. 309) Lk 15:13; J 2:12; Ac 1:5; AcPl Ha 11, 1. οὐ πολλοὶ σοφοί not many wise (people) 1 Cor 1:26a; cp. bc. οὐ πολλοί πατέρες not many fathers 4:15.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. persons—without the art. Mt 7:22; 8:11; 12:15; 20:28; 24:5ab; 26:28; Mk 2:2; 3:10 (Mt 12:15 has ascensive πάντας; other passages to be compared in this connection are Mk 10:45=Mt 20:28 πολλῶν and 1 Ti 2:6 πάντων. Cp. the double tradition of the saying of Bias in Clem. of Alex., Strom. 1, 61, 3 πάντες ἄνθρωποι κακοὶ ἢ οἱ πλεῖστοι τ. ἀνθρώπων κακοί.—On Mk 10:45 s. OCullmann, TZ 4, ’48, 471–73); 6:2; 11:8; Lk 1:1 (cp. Herm. Wr. 11, 1, 1b and see JBauer, NovT 4, ’60, 263–66), 14; J 2:23; 8:30; Ac 9:42; Ro 16:2; 2 Cor 11:18; Gal 3:16 (πολλοί= a plurality); Tit 1:10; Hb 12:15; 2 Pt 2:2. AcPl Ha 5, 8; 7, 5; 11, 3. Opp. ὀλίγοι Mt 22:14; 20:16 v.l. (cp. Pla., Phd. 69c ναρθηκοφόροι μὲν πολλοί, βάκχοι δέ τε παῦροι=the thyrsus-bearers [officials] are many, but the truly inspired are few)—W. a partitive gen. πολλοὶ τῶν Φαρισαίων Mt 3:7. π. πῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραήλ Lk 1:16.—J 4:39; 12:11; Ac 4:4; 8:7a; 13:43; 18:8; 19:18; 2 Cor 12:21; Rv 8:11.—W. ἐκ and gen. (AscIs 3:1; Jos., Ant. 11, 151) πολλοὶ ἐκ τῶν μαθητῶν J 6:60, 66.—10:20; 11:19, 45; 12:42; Ac 17:12. ἐκ τοῦ ὄχλου πολλοί J 7:31 (Appian, Iber. 78 §337 πολλοὶ ἐκ τοῦ πλήθους).
    ב. πολλά—many things, much without the art.: γράφειν write at length B 4:9. διδάσκειν Mk 4:2; 6:34b. λαλεῖν Mt 13:3. μηχανᾶσθαι MPol 3. πάσχειν (Pind., O. 13, 63 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 268; 403) Mt 16:21; Mk 5:26a; 9:12; Lk 9:22; 17:25; B 7:11; AcPl Ha 8, 19. ποιεῖν Mk 6:20 v.l. United w. another neut. by καί (Lucian, Icar. 20 πολλὰ κ. δεινά; Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 345 D.: πολλὰ κ. καλά; Ps.-Demetr., El. 70 πολλὰ κ. ἄλλα; likew. Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 13 §53; Arrian, Anab. 6, 11, 2) πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα many other things Lk 3:18. πολλὰ ἂν κ. ἄλλα εἰπεῖν ἔχοιμι Dg 2:10 (Eur., Ep. 3, 2, πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα εἰπεῖν ἔχω; Diod S 17, 38, 3 πολλὰ δὲ καὶ ἄλλα … διαλεχθείς). ἐν πολλοῖς in many ways (Diod S 26, 1, 2; OGI 737, 7 [II B.C.]; Just., D. 124, 4 [of line of proof]) 2 Cor 8:22a. ἐπὶ πολλῶν (opp. ἐπὶ ὀλίγα) over many things Mt 25:21, 23.—W. art. (Pla., Apol. 1, 17a) τὰ πολλὰ πράσσειν transact a great deal of business Hs 4:5b.
    γ. elliptical δαρήσεται πολλά (sc. πληγάς) will receive many (lashes) Lk 12:47 (B-D-F §154; 241, 6).
    comparative πλείων, πλεῖον
    α. adj. w. a plural (Diod S 14, 6, 1 μισθοφόρους πλείους=many mercenaries) πλείονας πόνους (opp. οὐχ ἕνα οὐδὲ δύο) 1 Cl 5:4. ἐπὶ ἡμέρας πλείους for a (large) number of days, for many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277; cp. Theophr. in Apollon. Paradox. 29 πλείονας ἡμ.) Ac 13:31.—21:10 (Jos., Ant. 16, 15); 24:17; 25:14; 27:20. οἱ μὲν πλείονές εἰσιν γεγονότες ἱερεῖς the priests of former times existed in greater numbers Hb 7:23. ἑτέροις λόγοις πλείοσιν in many more words (than have been reported) Ac 2:40. ταῦτα καὶ ἕτερα πλείονα MPol 12:1.—W. a gen. of comparison (Just., A I 53, 3; Tat. 3, 2) ἄλλους δούλους πλείονας τῶν πρώτων other slaves, more than (he had sent) at first Mt 21:36. πλείονα σημεῖα ὧν more signs than those which J 7:31. Also w. ἤ: πλείονας μαθητὰς ἤ more disciples than 4:1. After πλείονες (-α) before numerals the word for ‘than’ is omitted (B-D-F §185, 4; Kühner-G. II 311; Rob. 666; Jos., Ant. 14, 96) ἐτῶν ἦν πλειόνων τεσσεράκοντα ὁ ἄνθρωπος the man was more than 40 years old Ac 4:22. πλείους τεσσεράκοντα 23:13, 21. Cp. 24:11; 25:6 (Jos., Ant. 6, 306 δέκα οὐ πλείους ἡμέρας).—The ref. is to relative extent (cp. 2bα) in τὰ ἔργα σου τὰ ἕσχατα πλείονα τῶν πρώτων your deeds, the latter of which are greater than the former Rv 2:19.
    β. subst.
    א. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους the majority, most (Diog. L. 1, 20; 22; Jos., Ant. 10, 114) Ac 19:32; 27:12. W. ἐξ: ἐξ ὧν οἱ πλείονες most of whom 1 Cor 15:6. W. gen. and a neg. (litotes) οὐκ ἐν τ. πλείοσιν αὐτῶν ηὐδόκησεν ὁ θεός God was pleased with only a few of them 10:5. This is perh. (s. ג below) the place for 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6; 9:2. Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ב. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους (even) more πλείονες in even greater numbers Ac 28:23. πολλῷ πλείους ἐπίστευσαν many more came to believe J 4:41.—διὰ τῶν πλειόνων to more and more people=those who are still to be won for Christ 2 Cor 4:15.
    ג. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους. In contrast to a minority οἱ πλείονες can gain the sense the others, the rest (so τὰ πλείονα Soph., Oed. Col. 36; τὸ πλέον Thu. 4, 30, 4; Jos., Ant. 12, 240; B-D-F §244, 3). So perh. (s. א above) ἵνα τ. πλείονας κερδήσω (opp. the apostle himself) 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6 (opp. the one who has been punished too severely.—In this case [s. א above] his punishment would have been determined by a unanimous vote of the Christian assembly rather than by a majority). Cp. 9:2; Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ד. πλείονα (for πλεῖον) more Mt 20:10 v.l.; various things Lk 11:53. ἐκ τοῦ ἑνὸς πλείονα 1 Cl 24:5 (s. as adv. ParJer 7:26).
    superl. adj. πλείστη w. a plural most of αἱ πλεῖσται δυνάμεις Mt 11:20 (difft. B-D-F §245, 1).
    pert. to being relatively large in quantity or measure, much, extensive
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj. preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun)
    א. in the sg. much, large, great πολὺς ἀριθμός Ac 11:21. W. words that in themselves denote a plurality (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 80 §338 στρατὸς πολύς) πολὺς ὄχλος (s. ὄχ. 1a) Mt 14:14; 20:29; 26:47; Mk 5:21, 24; 6:34a; 8:1; 9:14; 12:37 (ὁ π. ὄχ.); Lk 5:29; 6:17a; 8:4; J 6:2, 5 (for the expression ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, in which π. follows the noun, J 12:9, 12, cp. Arrian, Anab. 1, 9, 6 ὁ φόνος πολύς); Ac 6:7; Rv 7:9; 19:1, 6. πολὺ πλῆθος (s. pl. 2bα) Mk 3:7f; Lk 5:6; 6:17b; 23:27; Ac 14:1; 17:4; 1 Cl 6:1. λαὸς πολύς many people Ac 18:10. Of money and its value, also used in imagery μισθὸς πολύς Mt 5:12; Lk 6:23, 35 (all three predicative, as Gen 15:1). ἐργασία π. Ac 16:16. π. κεφάλαιον 22:28. χρυσοῦ πολλοῦ … τρυφῆς πολλῆς AcPl Ha 2, 19.—Of things that occur in the mass or in large quantities (Diod S 3, 50, 1 πολλὴ ἄμπελος) γῆ πολλή Mt 13:5; Mk 4:5; θερισμὸς π. Mt 9:37; Lk 10:2 (both pred.). χόρτος π. J 6:10; καρπὸς π. (Cyranides p. 121, 11) 12:24; 15:5, 8.—λόγος π. a long speech (Diod S 13, 1, 2; Just., D. 123, 7) Ac 15:32; 20:2. περὶ οὗ πολὺς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος about this we have much to say Hb 5:11 (cp. Pla., Phd. 115d).—Of time: πολὺς χρόνος a long time (Hom. et al.; Demetr.(?): 722 Fgm. 7; Jos., Ant. 8, 342; 19, 28; Just., A II, 2, 11) J 5:6 (s. ἔχω 7b); Hs 6, 4, 4 (pred.). μετὰ πολὺν χρόνον (Jos., Ant. 12, 324) Mt 25:19. Differently Mk 6:35ab (s. 3aα).
    ב. adj. w. a noun in the pl. many, large, great, extensive, plentiful ὄχλοι πολλοί great crowds or probably better many people (as Diod S 20, 59, 2; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 10, 3. For the corresponding mng. of ὄχλοι s. ὄχλος 1a) Mt 4:25; 8:1; 13:2; 15:30a; 19:2; Lk 5:15; 14:25. κτήματα πολλά a great deal of property Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22 (cp. Da 11:28 χρήματα π.). ὕδατα πολλά much water, many waters (Maximus Tyr. 21, 3g of the Nile ὁ πολὺς ποταμός, likew. Procop. Soph., Ep. 111) J 3:23; Rv 1:15; 14:2; 17:1; 19:6b. θυμιάματα πολλά a great deal of incense 8:3. τὰ πολλὰ γράμματα Ac 26:24. πολλοὶ χρόνοι long periods of time (Plut., Thes. 6, 9). πολλοῖς χρόνοις for long periods of time (SIG 836, 6; pap) Lk 8:29; 1 Cl 44:3. χρόνοις πολλοῖς AcPlCor 2:10. ἐκ πολλῶν χρόνων (Diod S 3, 47, 8; Jos., Ant. 14, 110; 17, 204) 1 Cl 42:5.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. pers.—w. the art. οἱ πολλοί the many, of whatever appears in the context Mk 6:2 v.l. (the many people who were present in the synagogue); 9:26b (the whole crowd). Opp. ὁ εἷς Ro 5:15ac, 19ab; the many who form the ἓν σῶμα the one body 12:5; 1 Cor 10:17. Paul pays attention to the interests of the many rather than to his own vs. 33 (cp. Jos., Ant. 3, 212).—The majority, most (X., An. 5, 6, 19; Appian, Maced. 7, Bell. Civ. 4, 73 §309; 2 Macc 1:36; En 104:10; AscIs 3:26; Jos., Ant. 17, 72; Just., D. 4, 3) Mt 24:12; Hb 12:15 v.l. W. a connotation of disapproval most people, the crowd (Socrat., Ep. 6, 2; Dio Chrys. 15 [32], 8; Epict. 1, 3, 4; 2, 1, 22 al.; Plut., Mor. 33a; 470b; Plotinus, Enn. 2, 9, 9; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 42) 2 Cor 2:17; Pol 2:1; 7:2.—Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus3, tr. NPerrin, ’66, 179–82; 226–31, and TW VI 536–45: πολλοί.
    ב. πολύ much ᾧ ἐδόθη πολύ, πολὺ ζητηθήσεται παρʼ αὐτοῦ, καὶ ᾧ παρέθεντο πολὺ κτλ. Lk 12:48 (Just., A I, 17, 4 twice πλέον). Cp. 16:10ab; 2 Cl 8:5; καρποφορεῖν π. bear much fruit Hs 2:3. πολὺ κατὰ πάντα τρόπον much in every way Ro 3:2 (Ael. Aristid. 34, 43 K.=50 p. 562 D. gives answer to a sim. quest. asked by himself: πολλὰ καὶ παντοῖα).—Js 5:16.—As gen. of price πολλοῦ for a large sum of money (Menand., Fgm. 197 Kö.; PRyl 244, 10. S. στρουθίον.) Mt 26:9.—Of time: ἐπὶ πολύ ( for) a long time (JosAs 19:3; Ar. 65, 3; s. also ἐπί 18cβ) Ac 28:6; AcPl Ha 10, 21. μετʼ οὐ πολύ soon afterward Ac 27:14 (μετά B 2c).—ἐπὶ πολύ more than once, often (Is 55:7) Hm 4, 1, 8.—Before a comp. (as Hom. et al.; B-D-F §246; Rob. 664) in the acc. πολὺ βέλτιον much better Hs 1:9. π. ἐλάττων v 3, 7, 6 (Ar. 6, 2). π. μᾶλλον much more, to a much greater degree (Dio Chrys. 2, 10; 17; 64 al.; Ael. Aristid. 34, 9 K.=50 p. 549 D.; Just., A II, 8, 3; D. 95, 1 al.) Hb 12:9, 25 (by means of a negative it acquires the mng. much less; cp. Diod S 7, 14, 6 πολὺ μᾶλλον μὴ … =even much less); Dg 2:7b. π. πλέον 2:7a (Ar. 11, 7). π. σπουδαιότερος 2 Cor 8:22b. Cp. π. τιμώτερον 1 Pt 1:7 v.l.; in the dat. of degree of difference πολλῷ μᾶλλον (Thu. 2, 51, 4; UPZ 42, 48 [162 B.C.]; EpArist 7; 24 al.; Sir prol. ln. 14; Jos., Ant. 18, 184; Just., A I, 68, 9; Tat. 17, 4) Mt 6:30; Mk 10:48b; Lk 18:39; Ro 5:9f, 15b, 17; 1 Cor 12:22; 2 Cor 3:9, 11; Phil 2:12. πολλῷ μᾶλλον κρείσσον 1:23 (v.l. without μᾶλλον). πολλῷ πλείους J 4:41. πολλῷ στρουθίων as v.l. Mt 20:31 and Lk 12:7 (both N.25 app.; on the strong ms. support for this rdg. s. RBorger, TRu 52, ’87, 21–24).—W. the art. τὸ πολύ (opp. τὸ ὀλίγον as X., An. 7, 7, 36) 2 Cor 8:15 (cp. Ex 16:18).
    ג. πολύς (Diod S 14, 107, 4 πολὺς ἦν ἐπὶ τῇ τιμωρίᾳ=he was strongly inclined toward punishing) μὴ πολὺς ἐν ῥήμασιν γίνου do not be profuse in speech, do not gossip 1 Cl 30:5 (Job 11:3).—Παπίας ὁ πολύς Papias (7), prob. to be understood as ὁ πάνυ; s. πάνυ d.
    comp. πλείων, πλεῖον; adv. πλειόνως
    α. adj., w. a singular (TestJob 35:2 διὰ πλείονος εὐωδίας) καρπὸν πλείονα more fruit J 15:2, 8 P66; Hs 5, 2, 4. τὸ πλεῖον μέρος τοῦ ὄχλου the greater part of the throng 8, 1, 16. ἐπὶ πλείονα χρόνον for a longer time (PTebt 6:31 [II B.C.]) Ac 18:20. Foll. by gen. of comparison: πλείονα τιμήν more honor Hb 3:3b.—IPol 1:3a. Foll. by παρά τινα for comparison Hb 3:3a; 11:4; Hs 9, 18, 2. ὅσῳ πλείονος κατηξιώθημεν γνώσεως, τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον 1 Cl 41:4.—τὸ πλεῖον μέρος as adv. acc. for the greater part Hv 3, 6, 4a.
    β. as subst. πλεῖον, πλέον more τὸ πλεῖον the greater sum (cp. Diod S 1, 82, 2=the greater part; Ps 89:10) Lk 7:43. πλεῖον λαμβάνειν receive a larger sum Mt 20:10. W. partitive gen. ἐπὶ πλεῖον προκόψουσιν ἀσεβείας they will arrive at an ever greater measure of impiety=become more and more deeply involved in impiety 2 Ti 2:16. W. a gen. of comparison πλεῖον τῆς τροφῆς someth. greater (more important) than food Mt 6:25; Lk 12:23. πλεῖον Ἰωνᾶ Mt 12:41; cp. vs. 42; Lk 11:31, 32. ἡ χήρα πλεῖον πάντων ἔβαλεν the widow put in more than all the rest Mk 12:43; Lk 21:3. μηδὲν πλέον nothing more (Jos., Bell. 1, 43; cp. Just., D. 2, 3 οὐδὲν πλέον); the words than, except following are expressed by παρά and the acc. Lk 3:13 or by πλήν w. gen. Ac 15:28, w. εἰ μή Hs 1:6.—The acc. is used as an adv. more, in greater measure, to a greater degree (Herm. Wr. 13, 21 Nock after the mss.) Lk 7:42; IRo 1:1; IEph 6:2; w. a gen. of comparison Mt 5:20 (περισσεύω 1aβ); J 21:15; IPol 5:2 (s. Ad’Alès, RSR 25, ’35, 489–92). τριετίαν ἢ καὶ πλεῖον for three years or even more Ac 20:18 D (cp. TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27 [Stone p. 70, 27]).—ἐπὶ πλεῖον any farther (of place) Ac 4:17 (TestGad 7:2; Ath. 12 [ἐπί 4bβ]); (of time) at length Ac 20:9 (ἐπί 18cβ) or any longer, too long 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1 (ἐπί 18cβ); any more, even more (ἐπί 13) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). Strengthened πολὺ πλέον much more, much rather (4 Macc 1:8; cp. X., An. 7, 5, 15; BGU 180, 12f [172 A.D.] πολλῷ πλεῖον; Ar. 11, 7 πολλῷ πλεῖον) Dg 2:7; 4:5.—Also w. indications of number (s. 1bα) πλεῖον ἢ ἄρτοι πέντε Lk 9:13 (the words πλ. ἤ outside the constr. as X., An. 1, 2, 11). In πλείω δώδεκα λεγιῶνας ἀγγέλων more than twelve legions of angels Mt 26:53 the text is uncertain (B-D-F §185, 4; s. Rob. 666).—The adv. can also be expressed by πλειόνως (Aeneas Tact. 237; Jos., Ant. 17, 2; Leontios 24, p. 52, 10) more ὅσον … πλειόνως the more … the more IEph 6:1.
    superl. πλεῖστος, ον
    α. adj.
    א. superlative proper τὸ πλεῖστον μέρος the greatest part w. partitive gen. Hs 8, 2, 9; 9, 7, 4. As adv. acc. for the greatest part 8, 5, 6; 8, 10, 1 (s. μέρος 1d).
    ב. elative (s. Mayser II/1, 1926, 53) very great, very large (ὁ) πλεῖστος ὄχλος Mt 21:8 (ὁ πλεῖστος ὄχλος could also be the greatest part of the crowd, as Thu. 7, 78, 2; Pla., Rep. 3, 397d); Mk 4:1.
    β. subst. οἱ πλεῖστοι the majority, most Ac 19:32 D (Just., D. 1, 4; cp. D. 48, 4 πλεῖστοι).
    pert. to being high on a scale of extent
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. as simple adj., to denote degree much, great, strong, severe, hard, deep, profound (Diod S 13, 7, 4 πολὺς φόβος; schol. on Apollon. Rhod. 4, 57; 58 p. 265, 3 πολλὴ δικαιοσύνη; Eccl 5:16 θυμὸς π.; Sir 15:18 σοφία; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 4 [Stone p. 54] ἀθυμία; Just., D. 3, 1 ἠρεμία) ἀγάπη Eph 2:4. ἀγών 1 Th 2:2. ἄθλησις Hb 10:32. ἁπλότης Hv 3, 9, 1. ἀσιτία Ac 27:21. βία 24:6 [7] v.l. γογγυσμός J 7:12. διακονία Lk 10:40. δοκιμή 2 Cor 8:2. δόξα Mt 24:30; Hv 1, 3, 4; 2, 2, 6. δύναμις Mk 13:26. ἐγκράτεια strict self-control Hv 2, 3, 2. εἰρήνη complete or undisturbed peace (Diod S 3, 64, 7; 11, 38, 1) Ac 24:2. ἔλεος 1 Pt 1:3. ἐπιθυμία 1 Th 2:17. ζημία Ac 27:10. ζήτησις 15:7. θλῖψις 2 Cor 2:4a; 1 Th 1:6. καύχησις 2 Cor 7:4b (pred.). μακροθυμία Ro 9:22. ὀδυρμός Mt 2:18. παράκλησις 2 Cor 8:4. παρρησία (Wsd 5:1) 3:12; 7:4a (pred.); 1 Ti 3:13; Phlm 8. πεποίθησις 2 Cor 8:22c. πλάνη 2 Cl 1:7. πληροφορία 1 Th 1:5. πόνος Col 4:13. σιγή a great or general hush (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 25; Arrian, Anab. 5, 28, 4) Ac 21:40. στάσις 23:10. τρόμος 1 Cor 2:3. φαντασία Ac 25:23. χαρά 8:8; Phlm 7. ὥρα πολλή late hour (Polyb. 5, 8, 3; Dionys. Hal. 2, 54; Jos., Ant. 8, 118) Mk 6:35ab.
    β. subst. πολλά in the acc. used as adv. greatly, earnestly, strictly, loudly, often etc. (X., Cyr. 1, 5, 14; Diod S 13, 41, 5; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 19, 2; Aelian, VH 1, 23; 4 Km 10:18; Is 23:16; TestSol 1:1; GrBar; ApcMos; Jos., Ant. 14, 348) ἀλαλάζειν πολλά Mk 5:38 (s. ἀλαλάζω). πολλὰ ἁμαρτάνειν Hs 4:5c (ApcMos 32). π. ἀνακρίνειν Ac 28:18 v.l. π. ἀπορεῖν Mk 6:20 (Field, Notes 29). π. ἀσπάζεσθαι 1 Cor 16:19 (s. ἀσπάζομαι 1a). δεηθῆναι π. (GrBar 4:14; Jos., Vi. 173; 343) Hs 5, 4, 1. διαστέλλεσθαι Mk 5:43 (s. διαστέλλω). π. ἐπιτιμᾶν 3:12. π. ἐρωτᾶν earnestly pray Hv 2, 2, 1. κατηγορεῖν π. Mk 15:3 (s. κατηγορέω 1a). κηρύσσειν π. talk freely 1:45. κλαίειν bitterly Ac 8:24 D (ApcMos 39). κοπιᾶν (ApcMos 24; CIG IV 9552, 5 … μοι πολλὰ ἐκοπίασεν, cp. Dssm., LO 266, 5 [LAE 317]) work hard Ro 16:6, 12; 2 Cl 7:1b. νηστεύειν π. fast often Mt 9:14a. ὀμνύναι π. Mk 6:23. παρακαλεῖν Mk 5:10, 23; Ac 20:1 D; 1 Cor 16:12. π. πταίειν make many mistakes Js 3:2. π. σπαράσσειν convulse violently Mk 9:26a.—W. the art. ἐνεκοπτόμην τὰ πολλά I have been hindered these many times (cp. Ro 1:13 πολλάκις) Ro 15:22 (v.l. πολλάκις here too).
    γ. subst. πολύ in the acc. used as adv. greatly, very much, strongly (Da 6:15, 24 Theod.) ἀγαπᾶν πολύ show much affection, love greatly Lk 7:47b. κλαίειν π. weep loudly Rv 5:4.—Mk 12:27; Ac 18:27.
    superlative, the neut. acc. πλεῖστον, α as adv. (sing. Hom. et al.; pl. Pind. et al.)
    α. pl. πλεῖστα in the formula of greeting at the beginning of a letter πλεῖστα χαίρειν (POxy 742; 744; 1061 [all three I B.C.]; PTebt 314, 2 [II A.D.] and very oft. in pap.—Griech. pap ed. Ltzm.: Kl. Texte 142, 1910, p. 4, 5, 6, 7 al.; Preis. II s.v. πλεῖστος) heartiest greeting(s) IEph ins; IMg ins; ITr ins; IRo ins; ISm ins; IPol ins.
    β. sing. τὸ πλεῖστον at the most (Aristoph., Vesp. 260; Diod S 14, 71, 3 πεμπταῖοι ἢ τὸ πλ. ἑκταῖοι; POxy 58, 17; PGiss 65:9) κατὰ δύο ἢ τὸ πλ. τρεῖς (word for word like Περὶ ὕψους 32, 1) 1 Cor 14:27.—B. 922f. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πολύς

  • 19 destacar

    1 to emphasize, to highlight (poner de relieve).
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    Ella destaca sus logros She highlights his achievements.
    Ella destacó su importancia She emphasized its importance.
    2 to station (tropas).
    3 to stand out.
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out among her other novels for o because of its humor
    Sus logros destacan His achievements stand out.
    4 to put on the front, to deploy, to detach, to put at the front line.
    Ricardo destacó al alumno Richard put the student on the front.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (despuntar) to stand out
    1 MILITAR to detach
    2 (en pintura) to highlight, make stand out
    3 figurado (dar énfasis) to point out, emphasize
    1 to stand out
    * * *
    1) to highlight, emphasize
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hacer resaltar) to emphasize

    quiero destacar que... — I wish to emphasize that...

    2) (Mil) to detach, detail
    3) (Inform) to highlight
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.
    Ex. The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.
    Ex. Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex. Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex. Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex. In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex. Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex. Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex. This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex. Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex. Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex. A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex. Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex. His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex. Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex. Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex. Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex. As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex. This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex. Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex. This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex. This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex. The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex. This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex. The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex. Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex. In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex. There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex. A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex. Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex. If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex. Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.

    Ex: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

    Ex: Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex: Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex: Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex: In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex: Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex: Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex: This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex: Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex: Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex: A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex: Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex: His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex: Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex: As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex: Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex: This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex: This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex: The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex: This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex: The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex: Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex: In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex: There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex: A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex: Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex: Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.

    * * *
    destacar [A2 ]
    A (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    destacó la gravedad de la situación he underlined o stressed o emphasized the gravity of the situation
    B ( Art) to highlight, bring out
    1 (enviar) ‹tropas› to post
    fueron destacados para defender el puente they were detailed to defend the bridge
    2 ‹periodista/fotógrafo› to send
    ■ destacar
    to stand out
    el trabajo destaca por su originalidad the work is remarkable for o stands out because of its originality
    el marco hace destacar aún más la belleza del cuadro the frame further enhances the beauty of the picture
    destacó como autor teatral he was an outstanding playwright
    a lo lejos destacaba el campanario de la iglesia the church tower stood out in the distance
    nunca destacó como estudiante he never excelled o shone as a student
    destaca entre los de su edad por su estatura he stands out from others of his age because of his height
    * * *


    destacar ( conjugate destacar) verbo transitivo
    1 (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2 ( realzar) ‹belleza/figura to enhance;
    color/plano to bring out
    a) (Mil) ‹ tropas to post

    b)periodista/fotógrafo to send

    verbo intransitivo
    to stand out;
    destacar en algo to excel at o in sth
    destacar vtr fig to emphasize, stress
    destacar(se) verbo intransitivo & verbo reflexivo to stand out
    ' destacar' also found in these entries:
    - despuntar
    - destacarse
    - perfilarse
    - realzar
    - resaltar
    - sobresalir
    - subrayar
    - detail
    - highlight
    - shine
    - stand out
    - crowd
    - excel
    - heighten
    - stand
    - tower
    * * *
    1. [poner de relieve] to emphasize, to highlight;
    debo destacar lo importante que es la operación I must stress o emphasize how important the operation is;
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…;
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    2. [tropas] to station;
    [corresponsales] to assign, to send
    [sobresalir] to stand out;
    tiene afán por destacar she is keen to excel;
    destacó como concertista de piano he was an outstanding concert pianist;
    hay una alumna que destaca de los demás/entre todos there is one student who stands out from the others/from all the others;
    destaca en sus estudios she is an outstanding student;
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out from her other novels for o because of its humour;
    destaca mucho por su imponente físico he really stands out because of his impressive physique;
    un pueblo que no destaca por nada en particular a town that is not remarkable for anything in particular, a rather unremarkable town
    * * *
    I v/i stand out
    II v/t emphasize
    * * *
    destacar {72} vt
    1) enfatizar, subrayar: to emphasize, to highlight, to stress
    2) : to station, to post
    : to stand out
    * * *
    1. (resaltar) to point out / to emphasize
    2. (sobresalir) to stand out [pt. & pp. stood]

    Spanish-English dictionary > destacar

  • 20 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

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